#js #ts #tool #cli #nextjs #filename

bin+lib next-butler

A tool to help you delevop your Next.js project easier and faster

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Mar 28, 2023
0.1.0 Feb 20, 2023

#3 in #nextjs


645 lines



This is my first uploaded rust project. I'll try to improve it's readability


cargo install next-butler

File creation with the new command

next-butler new {page|style|component} FILE_NAME

Creates a new page, style or component file in it's corresponding folder.
Eg.: next-butler new page /users/index creates the file index.js in the folder /pages/users

The functions inside the page and component files will be written with PascalCase. For example, if you name your component super-comp, super_comp or superComp, the function will be SuperComp

To define what extension you want the file to have or any other configuration, you must specify it in the config file

What about the /src folder in Next?

If you have the src folder in the root directory, all the files created with the new command will be created inside that folder

Config file

The config file, nextbutler.json, must be in the root file and contain objects defining the custom behaviour of the commands.
Below are all the posible options with it's corresponding default value:

    new: {
        page: {
            typescript: false // Create files as ts files?
            use_jsx: false // Create files as .tsx or .jsx
        style: {
            ext: "css" // Can be scss, sass, or any other
        component {
            typescript: false // Create files as ts files
            use_jsx: false // Create files as .tsx or .jsx
            folder: "components" // Where the components should be created

