#board #serial #api #embedded #embedded-development #neopixels


Lets you control neopixels from your PC using a board

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 12, 2024

#284 in Multimedia

Download history 54/week @ 2024-04-07 15/week @ 2024-04-14

69 downloads per month

MIT license

60 lines

Control your neopixels from your PC!


pip install neobridge

Setup (board)

To start controlling neopixels directly from your PC, you have to setup your circuitpython board to receive serial commands. This is already programmed in the code.py script. Follow the steps below.

  1. Download code.py
  2. Move to the circuitpython board (RP2040 is officially supported)
  3. You will need to edit code.py to fit your setup! (Number of LEDs, Pin location, Order)
  4. Run the script. The script will run every bootup.

Setup (PC/Linux/MacOS)

Now that the board is ready for serial communication, you can now control it from your PC directly. This lets you program a lot of cool lighting effects! The example below creates a 'loading' bar like effect.

use neobridge::{Neobridge, RGB};

fn main() {
    let neobridge = Neobridge::new("COM3", 30);
    neobridge.set_all(RGB(0, 0, 0));

    let mut i = 0;
    loop {
        if (i == 30) {
            i = 0;

        neobridge.set_one(RGB(255, 255, 255), i);

        neobridge.set_all(RGB(0, 0, 0));

        i += 1;

Before you can start controlling from PC, you have to enter the location of your board.

  • On Windows, this is usually under a name such as COM3, this can be different.
  • On Linux, it looks like /dev/ttyACM0
  • On MacOS, the name looks like /dev/tty.usbmodem1d12

These names can be different! Make sure to find the right one for the board!


let neobridge = Neobridge::new("COM3", 30);
*Connects to the board and initializes a struct object.*
        `port (str)`: Takes a `str` object to initialize the board.
        `n_of_leds (u32)`: Number of LEDs on the board.
neobridge.set_all(self, rgb: RGB)
*Sets all LEDs on the board to the given RGB values.*
        `rgb (RGB)`: RGB values to set.
neobridge.set_one(self, rgb: RGB, index: u32)
*Sets a single LED on the board to the given RGB values.*
        rgb (RGB): RGB values to set.
        index (u32): Index of the LED to set.
neobridge.set_list(self, rgb_list: Vec<RGB>)
*Gives the board a list of RGB values to set.*
        rgb_list (Vec<RGB>): RGB list to set.
Sends a command to the board to update the LEDs.

TO-DO List

  • Create automated installer for the board. (could do?)


~50K SLoC