ndk-sys is used at run time in 3,211 crates (of which 3,205 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 24 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (of which 1 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 495 crates.

Number of dependers ndk-sys version Downloads/month
0 0.6.0+11769913 0
781 0.6.0+38969 226K
1,273 0.5.0+25 296K
717 0.4.1+23 85K
157 0.3.0 47K
722 0.2.2 22K
57 0.1.0 2.7K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ndk-sys version
598K 31 ndk ^0.6.0
370K 12 android-activity ^0.6.0
242K 40 tao ^0.6
347K 7 wgpu-hal optional ^0.5.0
74K 24 ndk-glue ^0.4.0
30K 20 miniquad ^0.2
9.3K 14 dioxus-desktop ^0.6.0
3.8K 2 sapp-android ^0.2.1
3.0K 2 paranoid-android ^0.5
1.2K 3 floem-winit ^0.5.0
800 cart-tmp-winit ^0.1.0
210 app-surface ^0.6
100 1 animo-secure-env ^0.6.0
irondash_texture ^0.4.1
an_logger ^0.4.0
luminvent_winit ^0.2.0
wvwasi-wry ^0.4
pagurus_android_system ^0.4
1 azul-winit ^0.2.0
audir ^0.2
awl ^0.2.0
tauri-winit ^0.2.0
exposed-macro ^0.5.0
pmse-apk ^0.6.0