#semantic-web #linked-data #rdf #database-interface #nanopublications


A cross-platform Rust library to sign Nanopublications, with bindings to Python and JS (wasm)

20 releases

0.1.4 May 30, 2024
0.1.3 Mar 31, 2024
0.0.18 Feb 1, 2024
0.0.17 Jan 31, 2024
0.0.15 Nov 29, 2023

#435 in Cryptography

Custom license

1.5K SLoC

✍️ Nanopub cross-platform toolkit ⚔️

crates.io npm PyPI

Test Build crates Dependency status MIT license Codecov status

This project aims to provide a comprehensive cross-platform toolkit to sign, publish, and check Nanopublications.

It is packaged to be used easily through various popular interfaces:

  • ⌨️ Binary with a CLI for use in the terminal
  • 🦀 Crate nanopub for Rust
  • 🐍 Pip package nanopub-sign for Python
  • 📦️ NPM package @nanopub/sign for JavaScript (compiled to WebAssembly) in the browser, or with NodeJS

On all platforms:

  • 🐧 Linux
  • 🍎 MacOS
  • 🪟 Windows
  • 🦊 Web browsers

📖 Documentation

Checkout the documentation website for more details on how to install and use it.

🏔️ Changelog

Version history is recorded in the CHANGELOG.md.


~517K SLoC