#x11 #wm #window-manager #terminal


my minimalist X11 window manager

Show the crate…

1 unstable release

0.0.20 Mar 16, 2021

#28 in #wm

MIT license

660 lines

my 🐏

My Minimalistic X window manager based on tinywm, inspired by qtile.

my Screenshot


you should have xmodmap installed

design goals and features

  • kiss: only window management (no taskbar, system tray, ...), complex stuff should be done using other programs (rofi, ...)
  • configuration as code (like qtile, dwm, xmonad)
  • tiled by default (Binary space partitioning)
  • supports workspaces
  • supports multiple displays
  • single file (~600 LoC)

using it

my is used/configured in rust, here is how to use it:

  1. install rust and cargo https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html
  2. clone template project (⚠️ it is a different repository): git clone https://github.com/yazgoo/mymy
  3. edit src/main.rs (see comments for more details)
  4. run cargo build, binary is available in target/debug/myumerwm

add the following to your .xinitrc :

exec /path/to/mymy mod4


~69K SLoC