6 stable releases
1.0.5 | May 31, 2023 |
1.0.3 | May 30, 2023 |
#2027 in Command line utilities
66 downloads per month
138 lines
Contains (ELF exe/lib, 4.5MB) main
A Rust Daemon That Listens for File Changes for MTG Arena Tool & Automatically Submits Logs
How This Project Was Built
Install Rust as a non-priv user & reload Cargo ENV.
$ cd /tmp
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs -o rust.sh
$ vim rust.sh
$ chmod u+x rust.sh
$ ./rust.sh
$ source $HOME/.cargo/env
Confirm Rust Version & That You-re up-to-date.
$ rustup self update
info: checking for self-update
rustup unchanged - 1.26.0
Follow Rust Nightly Build.
$ rustup default nightly
Initial Project Setup, build & run mtgadmin
$ cargo new mtgadmin --bin
Created binary (application) `mtgadmin` package
$ cd mtgadmin/src
$ cargo build
rustc main.rs
Check crate's semver version
$ cargo install cargo-semver-checks --locked
$ cargo semver-checks check-release
Run cargo-checkmate
cargo install cargo-checkmate
cargo checkmate
Hard Requirements for Using mtgadmin
In order to make FULL use of mtgadmin the following are/will be HARD requirements!
- You MUST have a free account at mtgatool.com.
- You MUST have the mtgatool Linux client installed.
- You MUST create a free 17lands account.
- You MUST have 17lands Linux client installed.
mtgadmin Usage
Upload game data to the 17lands API.
sudo mtgadmin -m '/mnt/disk3/lutris/mtg_arena/drive_c/Program Files/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Logs/Logs' -a '17lands'
[1/4] 🚚 Getting MTG Arena Tool log directory to monitor from user...
Monitoring MTG Arena Tool log directory /mnt/disk3/lutris/mtg_arena/drive_c/Program Files/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Logs/Logs
[2/4] 📃 Getting API endpoint from user...!
API endpoint to upload game data to: 17lands
17lands is a supported API endpoint!
[3/4] ✨ Uploading MTGA game data to 17lands...!
Uploading MTGA game data to API endpoint 17lands
"/mnt/disk3/lutris/mtg_arena/drive_c/Program Files/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Logs/Logs/UTC_Log - 03-01-2023 22.33.07.log" appears to be an MTGA game log file
Debug info: Ok(Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(0)), stdout: "", stderr: "20230530 154338,INFO,Saving logs to /home/vader/.seventeenlands/seventeenlands.log\n20230530 154339,INFO,Got minimum client version response: {\"is_supported\": true, \"latest_version\": \"0.1.34\", \"min_version\": \"0.1.37\", \"upgrade_instructions\": \"17Lands update required! The minimum supported version for the client is 0.1.37. Please update with one of the following commands in the terminal, depending on your installation method:\\nbrew update && brew upgrade seventeenlands\\npip3 install --user --upgrade seventeenlands\"}\n20230530 154339,INFO,Minimum supported version: [0, 1, 37]; this version: [0, 1, 39]\n20230530 154339,INFO,Using token 1f4a...7fa0\n20230530 154339,WARNING,Found no files to parse. Try to find Arena's Player.log file and pass it as an argument with -l\n20230530 154339,INFO,Exiting\n" })
Uploading MTGA game data to 17lands...
"/mnt/disk3/lutris/mtg_arena/drive_c/Program Files/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Logs/Logs/UTC_Log - 03-10-2023 22.03.06.log" appears to be an MTGA game log file
Debug info: Ok(Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(0)), stdout: "", stderr: "20230530 154339,INFO,Saving logs to /home/vader/.seventeenlands/seventeenlands.log\n20230530 154339,INFO,Got minimum client version response: {\"is_supported\": true, \"latest_version\": \"0.1.34\", \"min_version\": \"0.1.37\", \"upgrade_instructions\": \"17Lands update required! The minimum supported version for the client is 0.1.37. Please update with one of the following commands in the terminal, depending on your installation method:\\nbrew update && brew upgrade seventeenlands\\npip3 install --user --upgrade seventeenlands\"}\n20230530 154339,INFO,Minimum supported version: [0, 1, 37]; this version: [0, 1, 39]\n20230530 154339,INFO,Using token 1f4a...7fa0\n20230530 154339,WARNING,Found no files to parse. Try to find Arena's Player.log file and pass it as an argument with -l\n20230530 154339,INFO,Exiting\n" })
Uploading MTGA game data to 17lands...
[4/4] 🚚 Demonizing mtgadmin...!
Future of mtgadmin
- Polish support for 17lands API.
- Add support for uploading to MTGA Tool's aggregator.
- Add support for magicthegathering API.
So stay tuned. I've got big plans!
~1.5M SLoC