2 releases

0.1.1 Jan 22, 2024
0.1.0 Dec 31, 2023

#2223 in Parser implementations

22 downloads per month

MIT license

900 lines


A fast MPS parser written in Rust

ci docs.rs dependency status license: MIT codecov Docker Image Size (tag) FlakeHub Minimum Stable Rust Version


mps is a parser for the Mathematical Programming System (MPS) file format, commonly used to represent optimization problems.

This crate provides both a library and a CLI for parsing MPS data. Key features include:

  • Configurable Parsing:
    • Supported feature flags:
      • trace - Enhanced debugging and statistics via nom_tracable and nom_locate.
      • proptest - Property testing integrations.
      • cli - Command line interface.
  • Robustness: Extensively tested against Netlib LP test suite.
  • Performance: Benchmarked using Criterion.rs.



use mps::Parser;

let contents = "MPS data...";
match Parser::<f32>::parse(&contents) {
    Ok((_, model)) => { /* use MPS model */ },
    Err(e) => eprintln!("Parsing error: {}", e),


$ mps --input-path ./data/netlib/afiro

Usage as a flake

Add mps to your flake.nix:

  inputs.mps.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/integrated-reasoning/mps/*.tar.gz";

  outputs = { self, mps }: {
    # Use in your outputs

Running with Docker

docker run -it integratedreasoning/mps:latest


Semantic validation

Conduct semantic validation to uncover potential issues upfront before passing models to the solver.

  • Structural checks
    • Detect and flag unreachable constraints that can be automatically satisfied or violated given bounds
    • Identify redundant constraints that are logical duplicates of existing rows
    • Check for dominating constraints that make other constraints redundant
    • Validate presence of slack variables where needed to avoid unboundedness
    • Verify dual feasibility through analyzing bounds, objective, and right hand sides
    • Cross-validate variable objective costs with cost coefficients from other provided perspectives
    • Check for overlapping/duplicated terms across constraints modeling the same logical relationship
    • Identify variables not participating in any constraints, unless intended as free variables
  • Numerical checks
    • Check for numerics - flag near zero coefficients that could lead to weak formulations
    • Raise issues with over-aggressive bounds that over-constrain the feasible region undesirably
    • Analyze term sparsity to call out potential compact formulation opportunities
    • Diagnose poor model scaling that could introduce solution inaccuracies
  • Logical checks
    • Flag discrete variables implicitly constrained to be continuous due to coefficient assignments
    • Check for logically contradictory bounds on variables that conflict with constraint implications


~162K SLoC