5 releases

0.1.4 Sep 1, 2021
0.1.3 Aug 30, 2021
0.1.2 Aug 30, 2021
0.1.1 Jun 20, 2021
0.1.0 Apr 22, 2021

#1141 in Development tools

CC0 license

2.5K SLoC


This is an alternative implementation of the MM1 server of mm0-hs, written in Rust. mm0-rs server acts as an LSP server in the same way as mm0-hs server, which means that if you have the vscode-mm0 extension installed, you can choose either program as your LSP server and it will provide live diagnostics, go to definition support, hovers and so on. It does not support all the other commands (yet!) like mm0-hs verify or mm0-hs from-mm, but it is much faster than the Haskell implementation as a language server while supporting similar features.

Watch this space for more updates, as mm0-rs is under active development. See mm1.md for a description of the MM1 specification, which is implemented by both mm0-hs and mm0-rs.


To compile mm0-rs, first install Rust. You then need to download this repository (e.g., git clone https://github.com/digama0/mm0.git). Then cd into this mm0-rs directory (using cd mm0/mm0-rs) and run:

cargo build --release

You then should make it easy to execute. One way is to copy or symlink the resulting executable file target/release/mm0-rs to your system path. An alternative, if you're integrating with Visual Studio Code as suggested below, is to point vscode-mm0 to the executable using (as explained below) the setting "metamath-zero.executablePath": "mm0-rs" in your settings.json file.

Integration with Visual Studio Code

We typically use Visual Studio Code, an open source software editor / IDE which supports LSP servers. If you choose to do the same, download and install Visual Studio Code.

Next, install the "Metamath Zero" language support extension. You can do this one of two ways:

  1. Use Quick Open (Ctrl-P on Windows/Linux, Cmd-P on MacOS)), paste ext install digama0.metamath-zero in the box and hit Enter (Return). This will install the "Metamath Zero" language support extension.
  2. Select View/Extensions, search for "Metamath" Look for "Metamath Zero"; make sure it's the correct one (digama0.metamath-zero). If so, press its "install" button.

If mm0-rs is not on your path, then you need to change the Visual Studio Code settings so it can execute mm0-rs. To do this, after you've installed "Metamath Zero" look at the name, click on its small "gear symbol" to change its settings. Note: if you click on its "gear symbol" and see nothing, that's a bug in the Visual Studio Code program; restart it and again select View/Extensions to you can see the settings to change them. Now modify the "Metamath-zero Executable Path" setting (which corresponds to metamath-zero.executablePath in settings.json) to be the correct path for the executable (it defaults to mm0-rs). You should probably use an absolute path (e.g., one starting with "/" on Linux/Unix/MacOS).


The mm0-rs program provides a number of modes and options if you want to invoke it directly. For example:

  • mm0-rs server causes it to send and receive LSP server commands via stdin and stdout. This is not used directly from the CLI but rather is invoked by vscode-mm0 when it is set up to use mm0-rs as a language server.
  • mm0-rs server --debug is run by vscode-mm0 when the extension itself is run in debugging mode, and this will enable backtraces and logging.
  • mm0-rs compile foo.mm1 will compile an MM1 file, reporting errors to the console. This is essentially the console version of the server mode.

You can easily use mm0-rs from within Visual Studio Code. Start Visual Studio Code, then use File/Open, and navigate to the mm0/examples directory. Select a file to look at; do-block.mm1 and demo.mm1 are good starting points (demo.mm1 shows what proofs look like in MM1). Select "View/Problems" to see a summary.

For more about how to use MM1 to create proofs, see file ../mm0-hs/mm1.md (the mm0-hs tool is deprecated, but the MM1 documentation is currently still there).


~56K SLoC