#timer #profiler #main-loop


Simple f64 based duration and timer; moreover, a main loop implementation using it

4 releases (breaking)

0.4.0 Feb 19, 2022
0.3.0 Feb 18, 2022
0.2.0 Feb 17, 2022
0.1.0 Feb 17, 2022

#614 in Game dev

Used in min_gl


401 lines


As things grow, this library grew a lot over the last two days. Now it consists of three parts:

  1. Timer
  2. Profiler
  3. Main Loop

Each section depends on the previous one.


This is a small library that provides f64 based duration and timer. Standard library's implementation uses integers. Thus, for a clock that gives time as f64, this library should have higher performance.

Additionally, there are less checks. Although, there is strong type safety for SI units (seconds), which is hopefully optimized away by the compiler.

fn count(upto: u32) {
    use min_timer::{Std, Sec, Timer};

    let dur = Sec::MINUTE; // strong type safety.
    let now = Std::new();  // there is a std::time implementation.
    let mut timer = Timer::new(&now);
    let mut count = 0;

    while count < upto {
        if timer >= dur { // straight-forward checking,
            timer -= dur; // flexible manupilation.
            count += 1;
            println!("Counting {}...", count);


A small statistics and profiling functionality is also provided. These are all intended to be used in a real-time application.

fn subroutine() {}

fn main_routine() {
    use min_timer::{Std, Prf, Stat};

    let mut stat = Stat::new();
    let now = Std::new();

    for _ in 0..10 {
        let _ = Prf::new(&now, &mut stat); // create and forget.

    // End of cycle.
    // This can be anything.
    // For example: every second in a game engine.
    // This way the rate will be the FPS counter.

    for _ in 0..15 {
        let _ = Prf::new(&now, &mut stat);

        "Subroutine called {} times, with {} average runtime and {} times per cycle.",
        stat.get_count(), // will be 25
        stat.get_rate()   // will be 15

Main Loop

This is the heart of a real-time application. The design is such that, you provide a state class and a render that can draw it. The tick rate and the frame rate are different; such that, smooth visuals can be achived without updating at the same frequency.

This is done by interpolating the previous and current states of the program before drawing using the remaning ticks to be done. Thus, states must implement scaling and superposing; linearly combining.

use min_timer::{Hrt, Now, Render, Std, Stt, Timer};
use std::ops::{Add, Mul};

struct Bar {
    len: u32,
    pre: Option<u32>,

impl Default for Bar {
    // Creating the render
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self { len: 50, pre: None }

impl Bar {
    fn print(&mut self, per: f64, len: u32) {
        self.pre = Some(len);
        for _ in 0..len {
        if self.len != len {
            for _ in 0..(self.len - len - 1) {
                print!(" ");
        println!("] {}%", per);

impl<T: Now> Render<T, Ex> for Bar {
    // Rendering
    fn render(&mut self, _: &Hrt<T>, stt: &Ex) {
        let len = self.len as f64 * stt.0;
        let len = len.floor() as u32;
        let len = len.min(self.len);
        let per = (stt.0 * 100.0).floor();
        if let Some(pre) = self.pre {
            if len != pre {
                self.print(per, len);
        } else {
            self.print(per, len);

#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
struct Ex(f64);

impl Mul<f64> for Ex {
    type Output = Ex;

    // Scaling
    fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Self::Output {
        Self(self.0 * rhs)

impl Add for Ex {
    type Output = Ex;

    // Superposing
    fn add(self, rhs: Ex) -> Self::Output {
        Self(self.0 + rhs.0)

impl<T: Now> Stt<T> for Ex {
    // Initialization; timer provided for profiling
    fn init(&mut self, _: &mut Hrt<T>, timer: Timer<T>) {
        println!("Initialization done in {}!", timer);

    // Updating; heart provided for manupilation
    fn update(&mut self, hrt: &mut Hrt<T>) {
        self.0 += 1e-1;
        if self.0 >= 1.0 {

    // Profiling every second; heart provided for manupilation
    fn sec(&mut self, hrt: &mut Hrt<T>) {
            "Tick Rate: {} Frame Rate: {}",

fn main() {
    let now = Std::new(); // using the standard library's clock
    let mut hrt = Hrt::new(1e2, &now); // target tick rate 100.0
    hrt.start::<Ex, Bar>(); // creates from defaults


Why write this when there is the standard library?

  1. Education: I got to practice Rust, espacially newtype pattern with Sec.

  2. I didn't now much about std::time before writing this.

  3. I will use this with GLFW timer, which returns the time as a double in seconds. This way I will implement Now with GLFW and there will be no conversions compared to:

    fn time(glfw: &Glfw) -> Duration {
        Duration::from_sec_f64(glfw.get_time()) // conversion!
    let start = time(&glfw);
    let elapsed = time(&glfw) - start;
    let seconds = elapsed.as_sec_f64(); // conversion!

    Check out my other crate, min_gl, for seeing the Now implementation for the GLFW timer.

  4. This crate provided a space where I could put more stuff about time, like profiling.

  5. Working with f64s is a lot more comfortable; I saw this as I worked on the main loop.

Copyright (C) 2022 Cem Geçgel gecgelcem@outlook.com

No runtime deps
