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#999 in Database interfaces

Download history 2/week @ 2024-12-10 15/week @ 2024-12-31 1/week @ 2025-01-07

312 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


MenhirKV is yet another local KV store based on RocksDB and implemented in Rust.

In short this library simply allows you to store, locally, pairs of key-values, provided the data is serializable. It also guarantees entries will expire, at some point, so that disk space usage remains under control. Store your data, never worry about space. Only uninteresting data you never access will automatically disappear.

Most low-level key-value store offer a &[u8], &[u8] or similar interface, and let the user of the library figure out the (de)serialization details. This is the best way to offer a generic interface, capable of anything, you just have to build your use-case on top of this.

MenhirKV walks away from pure KV genericity, figures out some implementation details, and makes a few opinionated choices, namely:

  • use Serde which is the de-facto standard in Rust, but at the end of the day, pretty much everybody storing high-level objects in Rust ends up using it... However MenhirKV also chooses to depend on bincode and that is possibly an opinionated choice.
  • expire the keys using a Bloom Filter which provides semantics similar to a LRU while being much more resource efficient. Internally it uses a custom made filter.
  • rely on RocksDB for storage. It has a strong drawback which is: it's not pure Rust so you'll need to have clang + llvm installed, which is a consequence of having a C++ dependency. There are many alternatives in the Rust landscape, including, but not limited to sled, Persy, redb, sankirja, lmdb, sqlite... All of them are great alternatives, RocksDB has the unique advantage of being (very) widely used and tested, and as a personal note, I find the API very easy to reason about. But the key factor is that RocksDB supports custom compaction filters. With this feature, entries expiration happens during the natural compaction process. This is a very specific and quite advanced feature, and it proved quite useful in the current implementation.

In practice, MenhirKV offers:

  • transparent (de)serialization, just #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize) your types and it works out-of-the-box.
  • error handling. You can use the ?; syntax at will! Thanks to this great blog post about error handling by the Sled maintainers.
  • disk space control, just throw data into it, old unused data will ultimately disappear, don't worry about it.
  • friendly API, put, get, peek, delete, iterators and namespaces and other syntaxic sugar.
  • thread safety, bomb it with parallel and concurrent requests, RocksDB handles the magic for you.

But really, nothing new under the Sun, MenhirKV is just only Rust + RocksDB + Bincode + Bloom filter mashed together.

It aims at speed and simplicity.

MenhirKV icon


While this is, to my knowledge, not used in "real" production, it is just a thin layer over well-tested, widely used packages. So it should be OK to use it. Again, DISCLAIMER, use at your own risks.

Also, it requires a recent Rust (1.67) to build, because of some type inference issue.

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use menhirkv::Store;

// Example with a usize store. Both keys and values are of type usize.
// Feel free to use your own types, they just need to have Serde support.
let store: Store<usize, usize> = Store::open_temporary(100).unwrap();
store.put(&123, &456).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(456), store.get(&123).unwrap());


Taken from a random CI job:

running 6 tests
test tests::bench_extern_crate_kv_blob ... bench:     124,820 ns/iter (+/- 41,822)
test tests::bench_extern_crate_kv_bool ... bench:       6,693 ns/iter (+/- 970)
test tests::bench_menhirkv_blob_1k     ... bench:      76,003 ns/iter (+/- 99,393)
test tests::bench_menhirkv_blob_max    ... bench:      82,169 ns/iter (+/- 114,962)
test tests::bench_menhirkv_bool_1k     ... bench:       9,214 ns/iter (+/- 879)
test tests::bench_menhirkv_bool_max    ... bench:       9,108 ns/iter (+/- 707)
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 6 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 37.70s

This is not the result of extensive, thorough benchmarking, just a random snapshot at some point in development history.

TL;DR -> serialization has a cost, RocksDB is fast.

The above test is ran on commodity virtual hardware available on Gitlab CI, so on real production hardware, it is likely to be faster. Or not.

There is also a point of comparison with kv which is a similar package, though relying on sled.

To run the benchmarks:

cd bench
rustup default nightly
cargo bench

About capacity

This is possibly the most unusual and controversial choice make by MenhirKV so let's dive a bit deeper into it.

You set a capacity which is a LOW limit.

It is a mandatory parameter, typically a basic store opening requires two parameters: path + capacity.

To give an example, if you set a capacity of 10k (ten thousands) then you have the guarantee (*) than you'll have those 10k entries, stored, and no expiration. You may end up with up to 50k or maybe even 100k entries stored on disk. But at some point, depending on how RocksDB runs its internal compactions, and how the Bloom filter behaves, both of which are unpredictable, the data will be filtered, compacted, and the "old" keys removed.

What "old" means refers to the last time the key was accessed. The entry may have been the first one ever written to the database, if it keeps being accessed, either read or write, it remains on top of the list of keys to preserve.

LRU caches do this in a very predictable manner, but they are costly to maintain, especially when it comes to persistent store. I made a toy project (**) around this, and can tell it does not perform well. Most of the time the fuzzy strategy described above is good enough. It ensures 2 things:

  • hot data is always available
  • disk space remains under control

The implementation detail trick that makes it efficient is that by using a hooked custom compaction filter the cost of expiring the unused entries is close to zero. Those bits of data would have been processed by RocksDB anyway. What MenhirKV does is only give a hint to RocksDB, at the very moment it tries to figure out how to compact the data and reorganize it on disk -> "oh well, you know what, we don't need this, just drop it on the floor".

(*) well, almost, in edge cases, the number of kept entries may go a bit below the planned capacity. This is because of Bloom filter implementation and usage details, but statistically, the store keeps more entries than the requested capacity. Think of this capacity setting as a fuzzy limit. If you really need a precise number, MenhirKV is not for you.

(**) DiskLRU, a toy project experimenting about persistent LRU. Working on it helped me a lot while making decisions for MenhirKV.



MenhirKV is licensed under the MIT license.


~698K SLoC