#key-value-store #key-value #store #terminal #utility #session

app safir

Key/Value store to share values between different shell sessions

13 releases (8 breaking)

0.9.0 Nov 7, 2023
0.7.1 Sep 1, 2023
0.5.0 Jun 30, 2023

#1387 in Command line utilities


197 lines


Simple CLI key/value store.

Store key/value pairs in the terminal and retrieve them later for use like in different shell sessions.


To install safir, run cargo install safir.

To build from source, clone the repository and run:

cargo build --release

Then move the binary to somewhere in your $PATH


When safir is run, it creates a store file in your $HOME directory ($HOME/.safirstore/safirstore.json).

Run safir --help for usage:

Key/Value store to share information between shell sessions

Usage: safir <COMMAND>

  add     Add a value to the store with the given key
  get     Get values from the store
  rm      Remove values from the store
  alias   Output the alias command for  key / value pairs
  export  Output the export command for a key / value pairs
  list    List all values in the store
  clear   Clear all keys/values from the store
  purge   Purges the .safirstore directory, removing it and its contents
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


Adding a key and value to the store:

safir add api_key "api_key_value"

Retrieving a value from the store:

safir get api_key
# api_key="api_key_value"

Removing a value from the store:

safir rm api_key

List all values in the store:

safir list

# api_key="api_key_value"
# another_api_key="another_value"

Exporting a value:

safir export api_key
# export api_key="api_key_value"

$(safir export api_key) # <-- Will export the value to the current shell

Aliasing a value:

safir alias long_command
# alias long_command="cd build/ && make && sudo make install"

$(safir alias long_command) # <-- Will alias the command in the current shell

Clear the store:

safir clear
# Will remove all contents in the store

Purge the store (remove EVERYTHING safir related)

safir purge # Will remove the .safirstore directory


~105K SLoC