Cargo Features

Maviola has no features set by default.

maviola = { version = "0.3.0-rc.1", features = ["full", "unstable", "unsafe", "derive", "definitions", "sync", "async", "serde", "specta", "dlct-ardupilotmega", "dlct-asluav", "dlct-avssuas", "dlct-common", "dlct-cs_air_link", "dlct-cubepilot", "dlct-development", "dlct-icarous", "dlct-matrixpilot", "dlct-minimal", "dlct-paparazzi", "dlct-standard", "dlct-ualberta", "dlct-uavionix", "dlct-all", "msrv-all", "msrv-heartbeat", "msrv-mission", "msrv-parameter", "msrv-parameter-ext", "msrv-command", "msrv-manual-control", "msrv-camera", "msrv-gimbal-v1", "msrv-gimbal-v2", "msrv-arm-auth", "msrv-image-transmission", "msrv-ftp", "msrv-landing-target", "msrv-ping", "msrv-path-planning", "msrv-battery", "msrv-terrain", "msrv-tunnel", "msrv-open-drone-id", "msrv-high-latency", "msrv-component-metadata", "msrv-payload", "msrv-traffic-management", "msrv-events-interface", "msrv-time-sync", "msrv-utils-all", "msrv-utils-mission", "msrv", "msrv-utils", "test_utils"] }




Generic features


Default features (empty).

full = async, definitions, derive, dlct-all, msrv-all, serde, specta, sync

All stable features (no unsafe features).
This should be used instead of --all-features for most of the production environments

unstable test_utils?

Enables unstable API features.

Enables unstable of mavio


Affects asnc::utils, sync::utils

unsafe test_utils?

Unsafe features.

Enables unsafe of mavio

derive full? test_utils?


MAVSpec tools


Includes derive maros from MAVSpec

Enables derive of mavio

definitions full?

Includes MAVLink message definitions

Enables definitions of mavio

sync full? test_utils?

## I/O

Enables synchronous API.

Enables serialport

Affects maviola::sync, maviola::docs

async full? test_utils?

Enables asynchromous API via Tokio.

Enables tokio, tokio-serial, tokio-stream, and tokio-util, tokio of mavio and async-stream and async-trait


Async dependencies

Affects maviola::asnc, maviola::docs

serde full?


Serialization and reflection

========================================================== These features enable serde and specta support.

Enables serde support.

Enables serde and serde_arrays, serde of mavio

specta full?

Enables specta support.

Enables specta and specta-util, specta of mavio

dlct-ardupilotmega dlct-all? = dlct-common



========================================================== Bundle standard MAVLink dialects as defined in XML message definitions generated by MAVSpec.

Include ardupilotmega dialect

Enables dlct-ardupilotmega of mavio

dlct-asluav dlct-all?

Include ASLUAV dialect

Enables dlct-asluav of mavio

dlct-avssuas dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include AVSSUAS dialect

Enables dlct-avssuas of mavio

dlct-common dlct-all? dlct-ardupilotmega? dlct-avssuas? dlct-cubepilot? dlct-development? dlct-matrixpilot? dlct-paparazzi? dlct-ualberta? dlct-uavionix? msrv-utils-mission? = dlct-minimal

Include common dialect

Enables dlct-common of mavio

Include csAirLink dialect

Enables dlct-cs_air_link of mavio

dlct-cubepilot dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include cubepilot dialect

Enables dlct-cubepilot of mavio

dlct-development dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include development dialect

Enables dlct-development of mavio

dlct-icarous dlct-all?

Include icarous dialect

Enables dlct-icarous of mavio

dlct-matrixpilot dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include matrixpilot dialect

Enables dlct-matrixpilot of mavio

dlct-minimal dlct-all? dlct-common? dlct-standard?

Include minimal dialect

Enables mavio

dlct-paparazzi dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include paparazzi dialect

Enables dlct-paparazzi of mavio

dlct-standard dlct-all? = dlct-minimal

Include standard dialect

Enables dlct-standard of mavio

dlct-ualberta dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include ualberta dialect

Enables dlct-ualberta of mavio

dlct-uavionix dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include uAvionix dialect

Enables dlct-uavionix of mavio

dlct-all full? = dlct-ardupilotmega, dlct-asluav, dlct-avssuas, dlct-common, dlct-cs_air_link, dlct-cubepilot, dlct-development, dlct-icarous, dlct-matrixpilot, dlct-minimal, dlct-paparazzi, dlct-standard, dlct-ualberta, dlct-uavionix

Include all meta-dialect

Enables dlct-all of mavio

msrv-all full? = msrv-arm-auth, msrv-battery, msrv-camera, msrv-command, msrv-component-metadata, msrv-events-interface, msrv-ftp, msrv-gimbal-v1, msrv-gimbal-v2, msrv-heartbeat, msrv-high-latency, msrv-image-transmission, msrv-landing-target, msrv-manual-control, msrv-mission, msrv-open-drone-id, msrv-parameter, msrv-parameter-ext, msrv-path-planning, msrv-payload, msrv-ping, msrv-terrain, msrv-time-sync, msrv-traffic-management, msrv-tunnel


========================================================== These features will control generation of MAVLink microservice-specific bindings.

Support for all MavLink microservices

Enables msrv-all of mavio

msrv-heartbeat msrv-all? = msrv

Heartbeat protocol support

Enables msrv-heartbeat of mavio

msrv-mission msrv-all? msrv-utils-mission? = msrv

Mission protocol support

Enables msrv-mission of mavio

msrv-parameter msrv-all? = msrv

Parameter protocol support

Enables msrv-parameter of mavio

msrv-parameter-ext msrv-all? = msrv

Extended parameter protocol support

Enables msrv-parameter-ext of mavio

msrv-command msrv-all? = msrv

Command protocol support

Enables msrv-command of mavio

msrv-manual-control msrv-all? = msrv

Manual control protocol support

Enables msrv-manual-control of mavio

msrv-camera msrv-all? = msrv

Camera protocol v2 support

Enables msrv-camera of mavio

msrv-gimbal-v1 msrv-all? = msrv

Gimbal protocol v1 support

Enables msrv-gimbal-v1 of mavio

msrv-gimbal-v2 msrv-all? = msrv

Gimbal protocol v2 support

Enables msrv-gimbal-v2 of mavio

msrv-arm-auth msrv-all? = msrv

Arm authorization protocol support

Enables msrv-arm-auth of mavio

msrv-image-transmission msrv-all? = msrv

Image transmission protocol support

Enables msrv-image-transmission of mavio

msrv-ftp msrv-all? = msrv

File transfer protocol support

Enables msrv-ftp of mavio

msrv-landing-target msrv-all? = msrv

Landing target protocol support

Enables msrv-landing-target of mavio

msrv-ping msrv-all? = msrv

Ping protocol support

Enables msrv-ping of mavio

msrv-path-planning msrv-all? = msrv

Path planning protocol support

Enables msrv-path-planning of mavio

msrv-battery msrv-all? = msrv

Battery protocol support

Enables msrv-battery of mavio

msrv-terrain msrv-all? = msrv

Terrain protocol support

Enables msrv-terrain of mavio

msrv-tunnel msrv-all? = msrv

Tunnel protocol support

Enables msrv-tunnel of mavio

msrv-open-drone-id msrv-all? = msrv

Open Drone ID protocol support

Enables msrv-open-drone-id of mavio

msrv-high-latency msrv-all? = msrv

High latency protocol support

Enables msrv-high-latency of mavio

msrv-component-metadata msrv-all? = msrv

Component metadata protocol support

Enables msrv-component-metadata of mavio

msrv-payload msrv-all? = msrv

Payload protocol support

Enables msrv-payload of mavio

msrv-traffic-management msrv-all? = msrv

Traffic management protocol support

Enables msrv-traffic-management of mavio

msrv-events-interface msrv-all? = msrv

Events interface protocol support

Enables msrv-events-interface of mavio

msrv-time-sync msrv-all? = msrv

Time synchronization protocol support

Enables msrv-time-sync of mavio

msrv-utils-all = msrv-utils-mission


========================================================== These features will enable additional MAVLink utilities such as *.waypoints files support, mission planninc, etc.

⚠️ All such features require unstable feature to be enabled in order to take effect.

All MAVLink microservices utils

⚠️ Requires unstable feature to take effect.

Enables msrv-utils-all of mavio

msrv-utils-mission msrv-utils-all? = dlct-common, msrv-mission, msrv-utils

Mission protocol utils

⚠️ Requires unstable feature to take effect.

Enables msrv-utils-mission of mavio

msrv msrv-arm-auth? msrv-battery? msrv-camera? msrv-command? msrv-component-metadata? msrv-events-interface? msrv-ftp? msrv-gimbal-v1? msrv-gimbal-v2? msrv-heartbeat? msrv-high-latency? msrv-image-transmission? msrv-landing-target? msrv-manual-control? msrv-mission? msrv-open-drone-id? msrv-parameter? msrv-parameter-ext? msrv-path-planning? msrv-payload? msrv-ping? msrv-terrain? msrv-time-sync? msrv-traffic-management? msrv-tunnel? msrv-utils?


Technical features

========================================================== These features should not be used directly.

⊛ Enable MAVLink microservices support

Do not use directly as this feature does not give access to any specific functionality by itself. Instead, use one of msrv-* features.

Enables msrv of mavio

msrv-utils msrv-utils-mission? = msrv

⊛️ Enables MAVLink microservices extra utils

Do not use directly as this feature does not give access to any specific functionality by itself. Instead, use one of msrv-utils-* features.

Enables msrv-utils of mavio

test_utils = async, derive, sync, unsafe, unstable


Test utils (⚠️ do not use at production ⚠️)


Add testing utils that allow to run complex tests. Primarily used for documentation but can be utilized by other libraries as well.

Affects maviola::test_utils

Features from optional dependencies
