Cargo Features

Mavio has no features set by default.

mavio = { version = "0.5.4", features = ["unstable", "extras", "unsafe", "alloc", "std", "sha2", "serde", "specta", "futures", "tokio", "embedded-io", "embedded-io-async", "derive", "definitions", "dlct-ardupilotmega", "dlct-asluav", "dlct-avssuas", "dlct-common", "dlct-cs_air_link", "dlct-cubepilot", "dlct-development", "dlct-icarous", "dlct-matrixpilot", "dlct-minimal", "dlct-paparazzi", "dlct-standard", "dlct-ualberta", "dlct-uavionix", "dlct-all", "msrv-all", "msrv-heartbeat", "msrv-mission", "msrv-parameter", "msrv-parameter-ext", "msrv-command", "msrv-manual-control", "msrv-camera", "msrv-gimbal-v1", "msrv-gimbal-v2", "msrv-arm-auth", "msrv-image-transmission", "msrv-ftp", "msrv-landing-target", "msrv-ping", "msrv-path-planning", "msrv-battery", "msrv-terrain", "msrv-tunnel", "msrv-open-drone-id", "msrv-high-latency", "msrv-component-metadata", "msrv-payload", "msrv-traffic-management", "msrv-events-interface", "msrv-time-sync", "msrv-utils-all", "msrv-utils-mission", "msrv", "msrv-utils"] }




Generic features


Default features (nothing is enabled).


Enable unstable API features.

Enables unstable of mavspec



Additional auxilary tools.


Unsafe features, that allow access to internal state of the entities.

alloc std?

Enable memory allocation support.

Enables alloc of embedded-io, embedded-io-async, mavspec, serde, and tbytes



std tokio? = alloc

Enable Rust std library.

Enables thiserror, std of embedded-io, embedded-io-async, mavspec, serde, sha2, and tbytes and document-features


and std of bitflags

General dependencies

sha2 std?

Enable sha2 backend for message signing

Enables sha2

serde alloc? std?


Serialization and reflection

========================================================== These features enable serde and specta support.

Enable serde support.

Enables serde and serde_arrays, serde of bitflags and mavspec


Enable specta support.

Enables specta of mavspec and specta and specta-util





I/O providers

========================================================== These features enable I/O providers such as Tokio or embedded-io

Enable async support via futures-rs

Enables futures

tokio = std

Enable async support via Tokio

Enables tokio

I/O providers

embedded-io alloc? std?

Enable synchronous I/O support from embedded HAL

Enables embedded-io

embedded-io-async alloc? std?

Enable asynchronous I/O support from embedded HAL

Enables embedded-io and embedded-io-async



MAVSpec tools

========================================================== These features package additional MAVSpec utils suc as derive macros and message definitions.

Adds derive macros for MAVLink entities.

You can access them as mavio::derive.


Bundles MAVLink message definitions.

Message definitions will be generated only for bundled MAVLink dialects. Microservices will be ignored as they are just subsets of existing dialects.

Note, that while being useful for ground control stations, the generated definitions is quite large and may bloat the size of the binary.

⚠️ This feature won't compile without std feature enabled.

Enables definitions of mavspec

dlct-ardupilotmega dlct-all? = dlct-common



========================================================== Bundle standard MAVLink dialects as defined in XML message definitions generated by MAVSpec.

Include ardupilotmega dialect

Enables dlct-ardupilotmega of mavspec

dlct-asluav dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include ASLUAV dialect

Enables dlct-asluav of mavspec

dlct-avssuas dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include AVSSUAS dialect

Enables dlct-avssuas of mavspec

dlct-common dlct-all? dlct-ardupilotmega? dlct-asluav? dlct-avssuas? dlct-cubepilot? dlct-development? dlct-matrixpilot? dlct-paparazzi? dlct-ualberta? dlct-uavionix? msrv-utils-mission? = dlct-minimal

Include common dialect

Enables dlct-common of mavspec

Include csAirLink dialect

Enables dlct-cs_air_link of mavspec

dlct-cubepilot dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include cubepilot dialect

Enables dlct-cubepilot of mavspec

dlct-development dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include development dialect

Enables dlct-development of mavspec

dlct-icarous dlct-all?

Include icarous dialect

Enables dlct-icarous of mavspec

dlct-matrixpilot dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include matrixpilot dialect

Enables dlct-matrixpilot of mavspec

dlct-minimal dlct-all? dlct-common? dlct-standard?

Include minimal dialect

Enables dlct-minimal of mavspec

dlct-paparazzi dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include paparazzi dialect

Enables dlct-paparazzi of mavspec

dlct-standard dlct-all? = dlct-minimal

Include standard dialect

Enables dlct-standard of mavspec

dlct-ualberta dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include ualberta dialect

Enables dlct-ualberta of mavspec

dlct-uavionix dlct-all? = dlct-common

Include uAvionix dialect

Enables dlct-uavionix of mavspec

dlct-all = dlct-ardupilotmega, dlct-asluav, dlct-avssuas, dlct-common, dlct-cs_air_link, dlct-cubepilot, dlct-development, dlct-icarous, dlct-matrixpilot, dlct-minimal, dlct-paparazzi, dlct-standard, dlct-ualberta, dlct-uavionix

Include all meta-dialect

Enables dlct-all of mavspec

msrv-all = msrv-arm-auth, msrv-battery, msrv-camera, msrv-command, msrv-component-metadata, msrv-events-interface, msrv-ftp, msrv-gimbal-v1, msrv-gimbal-v2, msrv-heartbeat, msrv-high-latency, msrv-image-transmission, msrv-landing-target, msrv-manual-control, msrv-mission, msrv-open-drone-id, msrv-parameter, msrv-parameter-ext, msrv-path-planning, msrv-payload, msrv-ping, msrv-terrain, msrv-time-sync, msrv-traffic-management, msrv-tunnel


========================================================== These features will control generation of MAVLink microservice-specific bindings.

Support for all MavLink microservices

Enables msrv-all of mavspec

msrv-heartbeat msrv-all? = msrv

Heartbeat protocol support

Enables msrv-heartbeat of mavspec

msrv-mission msrv-all? msrv-utils-mission? = msrv

Mission protocol support

Enables msrv-mission of mavspec

msrv-parameter msrv-all? = msrv

Parameter protocol support

Enables msrv-parameter of mavspec

msrv-parameter-ext msrv-all? = msrv

Extended parameter protocol support

Enables msrv-parameter-ext of mavspec

msrv-command msrv-all? = msrv

Command protocol support

Enables msrv-command of mavspec

msrv-manual-control msrv-all? = msrv

Manual control protocol support

Enables msrv-manual-control of mavspec

msrv-camera msrv-all? = msrv

Camera protocol v2 support

Enables msrv-camera of mavspec

msrv-gimbal-v1 msrv-all? = msrv

Gimbal protocol v1 support

Enables msrv-gimbal-v1 of mavspec

msrv-gimbal-v2 msrv-all? = msrv

Gimbal protocol v2 support

Enables msrv-gimbal-v2 of mavspec

msrv-arm-auth msrv-all? = msrv

Arm authorization protocol support

Enables msrv-arm-auth of mavspec

msrv-image-transmission msrv-all? = msrv

Image transmission protocol support

Enables msrv-image-transmission of mavspec

msrv-ftp msrv-all? = msrv

File transfer protocol support

Enables msrv-ftp of mavspec

msrv-landing-target msrv-all? = msrv

Landing target protocol support

Enables msrv-landing-target of mavspec

msrv-ping msrv-all? = msrv

Ping protocol support

Enables msrv-ping of mavspec

msrv-path-planning msrv-all? = msrv

Path planning protocol support

Enables msrv-path-planning of mavspec

msrv-battery msrv-all? = msrv

Battery protocol support

Enables msrv-battery of mavspec

msrv-terrain msrv-all? = msrv

Terrain protocol support

Enables msrv-terrain of mavspec

msrv-tunnel msrv-all? = msrv

Tunnel protocol support

Enables msrv-tunnel of mavspec

msrv-open-drone-id msrv-all? = msrv

Open Drone ID protocol support

Enables msrv-open-drone-id of mavspec

msrv-high-latency msrv-all? = msrv

High latency protocol support

Enables msrv-high-latency of mavspec

msrv-component-metadata msrv-all? = msrv

Component metadata protocol support

Enables msrv-component-metadata of mavspec

msrv-payload msrv-all? = msrv

Payload protocol support

Enables msrv-payload of mavspec

msrv-traffic-management msrv-all? = msrv

Traffic management protocol support

Enables msrv-traffic-management of mavspec

msrv-events-interface msrv-all? = msrv

Events interface protocol support

Enables msrv-events-interface of mavspec

msrv-time-sync msrv-all? = msrv

Time synchronization protocol support

Enables msrv-time-sync of mavspec

msrv-utils-all = msrv-utils-mission


========================================================== These features will enable additional MAVLink utilities such as *.waypoints files support, mission planninc, etc.

⚠️ All such features require unstable feature to be enabled in order to take effect.

All MAVLink microservices utils

⚠️ Requires unstable feature to take effect.

Enables msrv-utils-all of mavspec

msrv-utils-mission msrv-utils-all? = dlct-common, msrv-mission, msrv-utils

Mission protocol utils

⚠️ Requires unstable feature to take effect.

Enables msrv-utils-mission of mavspec

msrv msrv-arm-auth? msrv-battery? msrv-camera? msrv-command? msrv-component-metadata? msrv-events-interface? msrv-ftp? msrv-gimbal-v1? msrv-gimbal-v2? msrv-heartbeat? msrv-high-latency? msrv-image-transmission? msrv-landing-target? msrv-manual-control? msrv-mission? msrv-open-drone-id? msrv-parameter? msrv-parameter-ext? msrv-path-planning? msrv-payload? msrv-ping? msrv-terrain? msrv-time-sync? msrv-traffic-management? msrv-tunnel? msrv-utils?


Technical features

========================================================== These features should not be used directly.

⊛ Enable MAVLink microservices support

Do not use directly as this feature does not give access to any specific functionality by itself. Instead, use one of msrv-* features.

Enables msrv of mavspec

msrv-utils msrv-utils-mission? = msrv

⊛️ Enables MAVLink microservices extra utils

Do not use directly as this feature does not give access to any specific functionality by itself. Instead, use one of msrv-utils-* features.

Enables msrv-utils of mavspec

Features from optional dependencies
