#matrix #dense-matrix #sparse #squares #operation #matricies #gmres


A matrix library that supports both sparse and dense matrices

6 releases

0.1.5 Oct 18, 2019
0.1.4 Oct 18, 2019

#433 in Science


960 lines


matrixlab is a Rust library for working with both sparse and dense matricies. The library is fully functional, though a little clunky. This was a school project and is fairly underdeveloped, but has all the basics you need to do matrix operations.

There's a smattering of documentation in rustdoc, but there's still more work to be done here as well. Hopefully a combination of the documentation and source code is enough to get you started!

Currently solving matricies via GMRES, backsolving, and least squares is possible. Both sparse and normal matricies are supported and matrix operations use rayon to do everything in parallel.


~25K SLoC