53 releases

0.15.3 Dec 8, 2023
0.15.2 Jul 8, 2023
0.15.1 Jun 21, 2023
0.14.0 Oct 2, 2022
0.0.3 Nov 19, 2018

#40 in Math

Download history 1159/week @ 2024-04-05 1611/week @ 2024-04-12 1335/week @ 2024-04-19 1011/week @ 2024-04-26 1321/week @ 2024-05-03 1176/week @ 2024-05-10 1370/week @ 2024-05-17 1199/week @ 2024-05-24 1036/week @ 2024-05-31 1210/week @ 2024-06-07 946/week @ 2024-06-14 1295/week @ 2024-06-21 1152/week @ 2024-06-28 1483/week @ 2024-07-05 1614/week @ 2024-07-12 1146/week @ 2024-07-19

5,668 downloads per month
Used in 13 crates (8 directly)

MIT license

16K SLoC


crate documentation maintenance pipeline status

Mathru is a numeric library containing algorithms for linear algebra, analysis ,statistics and optimization written in pure Rust with optional BLAS/LAPACK as backend.


The following features are implemented in this create:

  • Algebra

  • Analysis

    • Integration
      • Newton-Cotes
      • Gauss-Legendre
    • Ordinary differential equation (ODE)
      • Explicit methods
        • Euler method
        • Heun's 2nd order method
        • Midpoint method
        • Ralston's 2nd order method
        • Kutta 3rd order
        • Heun's 3rd order method
        • Ralston's 3rd order method
        • Runge-Kutta 4th order
        • Runge-Kutta-Felhberg
        • Dormand-Prince
        • Cash-Karp
        • Bogacki-Shampine
        • Adams-Bashforth
      • Automatic step size control with starting step size
      • Implicit methods
        • Implicit Euler
        • Backward differentiation formula (BDF)
    • Interpolation
      • Cubic spline
  • Optimization

    • Gauss-Newton algorithm
    • Gradient descent
    • Newton method
    • Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
    • Conjugate gradient method
  • Statistics

    • Probability distribution
      • Bernoulli
      • Beta
      • Binomial
      • Exponential
      • Gamma
      • Chi-squared
      • Normal
      • Log-Normal
      • Poisson
      • Raised cosine
      • Student-t
      • Uniform
    • Test
  • Elementary functions

    • trigonometric functions
    • hyperbolic functions
    • exponential functions
    • power functions
    • trigonometric functions
  • Special functions

    • gamma functions
      • gamma function
      • log-gamma function
      • digamma function
      • upper incomplete gamma function
      • upper incomplete regularized gamma function
      • inverse upper incomplete regularized gamma function
      • lower incomplete gamma function
      • lower regularized incomplete gamma function
      • inverse lower regularized incomplete gamma function
    • beta functions
      • beta function
      • incomplete beta function
      • incomplete regularized beta function
    • error functions
      • error function
      • complementary error function
      • inverse error function
      • inverse complementary error function
    • hypergeometric functions


Add this to your Cargo.toml for the native Rust implementation:

version = "0.15"

Add the following lines to 'Cargo.toml' if the openblas library should be used:

version = "0.15"
default-features = false
features = "openblas"

One of the following implementations for linear algebra can be activated as a feature:

  • native: Native Rust implementation(activated by default)
  • openblas: Optimized BLAS library
  • netlib: Collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases
  • intel-mkl: Intel Math Kernel Library
  • accelerate Make large-scale mathematical computations and image calculations, optimized for high performance and low-energy consumption.(macOS only)

Solve a system of linear equations

use mathru::{
        matrix::{LUDec, Solve},
        General, Vector,
    matrix, vector,

/// Solves a system of linear equations
fn main()
    let a: General<f64> = matrix![6.0, 2.0, -1.0;
                                -3.0, 5.0, 3.0; 
                                -2.0, 1.0, 3.0];
    let b: Vector<f64> = vector![48.0; 

    // Decompose a into a lower and upper matrix
    let lu_dec: LUDec<f64> = a.dec_lu().unwrap();

    // Solve the system of linear equations with the decomposed matrix
    let _x1: Vector<f64> = lu_dec.solve(&b).unwrap();

    // Solve it directly
    let _x2: Vector<f64> = a.solve(&b).unwrap();

Solve ordinary differential equation with the Dormand-Prince algorithm

use mathru::{
    analysis::differential_equation::ordinary::{problem, DormandPrince54, ExplicitODE},

fn main()
    // Create an ODE instance
    let problem: problem::Euler<f64> = problem::Euler::default();

    let (x_start, x_end) = problem.time_span();

    // Create a ODE solver instance
    let h_0: f64 = 0.0001;
    let n_max: u32 = 800;
    let abs_tol: f64 = 10e-7;

    let solver: DormandPrince54<f64> = DormandPrince54::new(abs_tol, h_0, n_max);

    // Solve ODE
    let (x, y): (Vec<f64>, Vec<Vector<f64>>) = solver.solve(&problem).unwrap();

Further examples

For further examples, see project page


See project page for more information and examples. The API is documented on docs.rs.


Licensed under


Any contribution is welcome!


~299K SLoC