#language-model #openai #command-line-interface #image #prompt #llm #text

bin+lib llm-rs

A library, with a command line interface, to exploit Large Language Models

2 releases

0.1.1 May 31, 2023
0.1.0 Apr 25, 2023

#2123 in Web programming



A Package to Interact with Large Language Models

This is only interacting with OpenAI's language models

The Command Line Interface cli

There is a library that exposes the various endpoints and a command line binary (cli) to use it

To use: cargo run --bin cli -- --help

Command line argument definitions

Usage: cli [OPTIONS]

  -m, --model <MODEL>                  The model to use [default: text-davinci-003]
  -t, --max-tokens <MAX_TOKENS>        Maximum tokens to return [default: 2000]
  -T, --temperature <TEMPERATURE>      Temperature for the model [default: 0.9]
      --api-key <API_KEY>              The secret key.  [Default: environment variable `OPENAI_API_KEY`]
  -d, --mode <MODE>                    The initial mode (API endpoint) [default: completions]
  -r, --record-file <RECORD_FILE>      The file name that prompts and replies are recorded in [default: reply.txt]
  -p, --system-prompt <SYSTEM_PROMPT>  The system prompt sent to the chat model
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version

When the programme is running, enter prompts at the ">".

Generally text entered is sent to the LLM.

Text that starts with "! " is a command to the system.

Command Line Interface

There is a cli to flex the API.

List of Meta Commands

Meta commands that effect the performance of the programme are prefixed with a ! character, and are:

Command Result
! p Display settings
! md Display all models available available
! ms Change the current model
! ml List modes Change mode (API endpoint)
! v Set verbosity
! k Set max tokens for completions
! t Set temperature for completions
! sp Set system prompt (after ! cc
! ci Clear image mask Set the mask to use in image edit mode. A 1024x1024 PNG with transparent mask
! a Audio file for transcription
! ci Clear the image stored for editing
! f List the files stored on the server
! fu Upload a file of fine tuning data
! fd Delete a file
! fi Get information about file
! fc [destination_file] Get contents of file
! fl Associate the contents of the path with name for use in prompts like: {name}
! dx Display context (for chat)
! cx Clear context
! sx Save the context to a file at the specified path
! rx Restore the context from a file at the specified path
! ? This text

C-q or C-c to quit.


  • Save and restore the context of a chat ! sx <path>, ! rx <path> Does not save the system prompt, yet.
  • Include file content in prompt ! fl <name> <path> Then "Summarise {name}"
  • Display the cost of a chat session It is in US cents, and an over estimate.
  • Command History Courtesy of rustyline


The LLMs can be used in different modes. Each mode corresponds to an API endpoint.

The meaning of the prompts change with the mode.


  • Each prompt is independent
  • Temperature is very important.
  • The maximum tokens influences how long the reply will be


  • Prompts are considered in a conversation.
  • When switching to chat mode supply the "system" prompt. It a message that is at the start of the conversation with role set to "system". It defines the characteristics of the machine. Some examples:
    • You are a grumpy curmudgeon
    • You are an expert in physics. Very good at explaining mathematical equations in basic terms
    • You answer all queries in rhyme .

Image and Image Edit

Generate or edit images based on a prompt.

Lolipop clown

Enter Image mode with the meta command: ! m image [image to edit]. If you provide an image to edit "ImageEdit" mode is entered instead, and the supplied image is edited.

If an image is not supplied (at ! m image prompt) the user enters a prompt and an image is generated by OpenAI based n that prompt. It is stored for image edit. Generating a new image over writes the old one.

Mask To edit an image the process works best if a mask is supplied. This is a 1024x1024 PNG image with a transparent region. The editing will happen in the transparent region. There are two ways to supply a mask: when entering image edit, or with a meta command

  1. Entering Image Edit Supply the path to the meta command switching to Image Edit: ! m image_edit path_to/mask.png
  2. Using the mask Meta Command The mask can be set or changed at any time using the meta command: ! mask path/to_mask.png

If no mask is supplied a 1024x1024 transparent PNG file is created and used.


~809K SLoC