#toml #linear #client #cli

app linear_templater

Create Linear Tickets from TOML files

4 releases

0.1.3 Apr 11, 2023
0.1.2 Mar 6, 2023
0.1.1 Mar 5, 2023
0.1.0 Mar 5, 2023

#74 in #linear

MIT license

377 lines

Linear Templater

Build Status codecov Crates.io

Create Linear Tickets from TOML files, it currently supports creating 1 parent ticket and unlimited child tickets per TOML. Supports handlebars syntax in titles and descriptions.

Install from Crates.io

Install Rust

# Linux and MacOS
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Install Linear Templater

cargo install linear_templater


You need to have the environment variable LINEAR_TOKEN set. I am currently implementing this way so that a .envrc file can be used per TOML directory and a person can seamlessly transition between multiple Linear workspaces. You can obtain your linear token from the API section of your account settings.

Start with the help flag to get the latest commands

> linear_templater -h

Create Linear Tickets from TOML files

Usage: linear_templater [OPTIONS]

  -f, --fetch_ids <JSON FILE OUTPUT PATH>
          Fetch ids for player and teams, and output to provided path as a JSON file
  -c, --create_issues <PATH TO TOML FILE>
          Read a TOML file and create a issues from it
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Fetch all the IDs needed to fill out some TOML files


LINEAR_TOKEN=xxxx linear_templater -f ~/Documents/output.json


  "data": {
    "viewer": {
      "id": "xxxxxx",
      "name": "Batman",
      "teamMemberships": {
        "nodes": [
            "team": {
              "id": "yyyyyy",
              "name": "Justice League",
              "projects": {
                "nodes": [
                    "id": "zzzzzz",
                    "name": "Upgrade infrastructure"

Create a series of tickets from a TOML file

Input file (uses handlebars-style variables)

# build_batcave.toml
name = "Alfred"

title = "This is a parent issue"
team_id = "yyyyyy"
# optional
assignee_id = "xxxxxx"
project_id = "zzzzzz"
description = """
We need to create a batcave

See child tickets

title = "This is a child issue for {{name}} to complete"
# optional
team_id = "yyyyyy"
assignee_id = "xxxxxx"
description = """
Figure out where to put the batcave

 - Some place dark and dingy
 - Make sure to coordinate with {{name}}

title = "This is a second child issue that will be linked to the parent issue"
# optional
team_id = "yyyyyy"
assignee_id = "xxxxxx"
description = """
Make sure that we have enough bats

### Acceptance Criteria

- [ ] They can't bite too much
- [ ] At least a dozen
- [ ] Don't overdo it this time


LINEAR_TOKEN=xxxx linear_templater -c ~/Documents/build_batcave.toml

Create a series of tickets from all TOML files in a directory

When passed a directory, Linear Templater will recursively walk through the directory and all sub-directories and create tickets from all the TOML files that are not Cargo.toml.


# Create tickets from all TOML files in the current directory
LINEAR_TOKEN=xxxx linear_templater -c .

Use direnv to manage your LINEAR_TOKEN

Install direnv using your package manager of choice

echo export LINEAR_TOKEN=xxxx > .envrc

This removes the need to prefix all your commands with LINEAR_TOKEN=xxxx


~294K SLoC