#light #photometric #ies #ldt


A rust crate for reading and representing light intensity distributions via photometric webs

3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Sep 23, 2022
0.2.0 Apr 28, 2022
0.1.0 Mar 12, 2022

#141 in #light

Custom license

2.5K SLoC

lidrs - Luminous Intensity Distributions in Rust

build and test workflow

A rust crate for reading and representing light intensity distributions via photometric webs. This crate can read and write:

  • Illuminating Engineering Society (LM-63) standard (.ies) files
    • 1986
    • IESNA91
    • IESNA:LM-63-1995
    • IESNA:LM-63-2002
  • EULUMDAT (.ldt / .eul) files


Note that currently, although all standards should be readable using the lidrs::io::ies module, I have only implemented conversions to the PhotometricWeb struct for type C photometry. If you would like to implement this, please submit a PR.


Lidrs - A Rust Crate for Reading, Writing and Working with Luminous Intensity Distributions.

A fully-rust crate for reading and writing luminous intensity distributions / photometric files. There are currently implemented parsers for:

  • EULUMDAT (.ldt / .eul) formatted ASCII files.
  • Illuminating Engineering Society (.ies) formatted ASCII files.

It is also able to interpret these files to produce a full spherical photometric web from the inputs.


~90K SLoC