libffi is used at run time in 58 crates (of which 12 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 16 crates.

Number of dependers libffi version Downloads/month
54 3.2.0 36K
1 2.0.1 92
2 1.0.1 160
1 0.9.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) libffi version
2.5K 8 deno_ffi =3.2.0
850 1 intuicio-ffi ^3.2
2.5K 11 mpi optional ^3.2.0
1.0K 1 uiua optional ^3
100 2 blackboxmc_java ^3.2.0
100 ultralight-rs ^3.2.0
1 mashin_core ^3.1.0
1 mashin_runtime ^3.1.0
lsode ^0.9
mashin_ffi ^3.1.0
whisper-rs-2 ^3.0.1
1 rustpython-jit ^3.1.0
libpd-rs ^3.0.0
300 2 scryer-prolog optional ^3.2.0
1 mpi-fork-fnsp optional ^1.0.0
wasmer-c-api-near optional ^1.0