#register #i2c #mems #l3gd20 #embedded-hal #sensors

no-std l3gd20-registers

A typed map of the STMicroelectronics L3GD20 Gyroscope registers

3 unstable releases

0.2.0 Jul 6, 2024
0.1.0 Jul 5, 2024

#1791 in Embedded development

Used in l3gd20-ng

EUPL-1.2 OR MIT OR Apache-2.0

645 lines

STMicroelectronics L3GD20 Gyroscope Registers

Crates.io Docs Build Status Safety Dance MSRV EUPL 1.2 licensed Apache 2.0 licensed MIT licensed

A typed map of the L3GD20's I²C/SPI-accessible registers.

Provides functions and named fields to read and modify the sensor registers.

See also lsm303dlhc-registers.

Code of Conduct

We abide by the Contributor Covenant and ask that you do as well.


Copyright © 2024 Markus Mayer

Triple licensed under your choice of either of:

This work includes parts of Jorge Aparicio's l3gd20 crate, made available under MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.


~19K SLoC