#secret-management #kubernetes-cluster #secret #kubernetes #vault

bin+lib kubevault

kubevault transforms a Kubernetes cluster into a secret management system

7 releases (stable)

1.1.0 Aug 9, 2024
1.0.4 Aug 6, 2024
1.0.0 Aug 5, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 1, 2024

#695 in Command line utilities



Sketchy hexagon split in 3 parts

kubevault - Kubernetes-based secret management


This project is still in development and is not yet released; take in consideration I will push force inside the main branch until the first release. Also, keep in mind that is my first Rust project and I'm still learning the language, so the code may not be the best.

โ„น๏ธ About

kubevault is a homemade alternative to HashiCorp Vault or managed secret management services like ASM for managing secrets, aiming to have a less complex, less resource-consuming, but also less secure system.

It relies on Kubernetes' native features for managing secrets (v1/Secret), access control (rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/*), as well as internal features like audits.

kubevault is in reality a simple binary that generates Kubernetes manifests from a configuration directory and lets you apply them to your Kubernetes cluster in the manner you want (kubectl apply, GitOps, ...). It also provides some utilities to manage the secrets and the access control lists.



Attention, the goal of this project is not to provide yet another shoddy alternative to HashiCorp Vault, to be THE solution to all secret management problems, or to be THE most secure solution... In fact, this solution IS NOT SECURE like these services and will not be in the future.

Its purpose is to offer a simple way to manage my secrets in Kubernetes, without having secrets lying around on a Post-It or in a text file on the operator computer. It remains "secure" as long as all secrets are encrypted and the encryption password or the Kubernetes cluster is not compromised.

Therefore, I do not recommend using this project for production use, but rather if you don't want to bother with secret management in Kubernetes (development clusters or homelab).

๐Ÿ˜ฎ Why create my own solution?

This is a rather legitimate question considering the plethora of solutions for managing secrets in Kubernetes. But before explaining my choice, here is the context in which I found myself when choosing a secret management solution:

  1. I want my secrets to be securely stored
  2. I want to have all my secrets in one place
  3. I want to access my secrets from any Kubernetes cluster
  4. I want my secrets to be accessible to whoever I want them to be
  5. I do not want to use more than 1/5GB of RAM
  6. I do not want to spend time managing the solution
    1. Less than 30 seconds to create/modify/delete a secret and apply it
    2. Less than 10 minutes per month for updates
    3. Less than an hour to rebuild all my data in case of total cluster loss
  7. I do not want to depend on a third-party service
  8. I would like to version my secrets
  9. I would like to audit my secrets

Given these prerequisites, the list was quite short:

  • AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, Google Secret Manager, HashiCorp Vault Cloud, ... Third-Party Service
  • 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, ... Third-Party Service
  • HashiCorp Vault, Open Bao Quite heavy and complex to manage/maintain
  • Bitwarden, Vaultwarden, ... No easy-to-use ACL system and no Kubernetes integration
  • There are probably others, but I didn't find look for them

In the end, I didn't find a solution that met all my needs... So I decided to create my own solution.

๐Ÿš€ Getting started


# Install kubevault
cargo binstall kubevault

# Create a new vault and your first secrets
kubevault new vault
cat <<EOS > vault/kvstore/my-first-secret
# This is my first secret
username: "myusername"
password: "mysecretpassword"
cat <<EOU > vault/access_control/me
# This is my first user

# Apply the changes
kubectl create namespace vault-kvstore
kubevault generate | kubectl apply -f -

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

The binary name is kubevault like the project name and is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

However, because it is not something well known, it is not available in the package managers of the different operating systems. For now, the only ways to install it is via cargo or by downloading the binary from the releases page.

If you have cargo installed, you can install it with the following command:

cargo install kubevault

Alternatively, one can use cargo bininstall to install the binary directly from Github:

cargo binstall kubevault

๐Ÿ—๏ธ How to use it ?

The kubevault binary is quite simple to use and has a few commands:

  • kubevault new <vault_dir>: Create a new vault directory structure
  • kubevault generate: Generate the Kubernetes manifests from the vault directory
    • By default, kubevault generate will output the manifests to the standard output. To generate all manifests into a directory, use the --output-dir option
  • kubevault can-read <user>: List the secrets a user can read
    • Here is an example of the output:
      KUBEVAULT_DIR=tests/fixtures/vault target/release/kubevault can-read alice --show-only-allowed
      List of secrets accessible by user 'alice':
      โ— production-applicationb-postgresql ("production/applicationB/postgresql")
      โ— production-applicationb-cloudflare ("production/applicationB/cloudflare")
      โ— production-applicationb-openai ("production/applicationB/openai")
      โ— production-applicationa-sendgrid ("production/applicationA/sendgrid")
      โ— noproduction-users-alice ("noproduction/users/alice")
  • (TODO) kubevault external-secret-store <user>: Generate the ExternalSecretStore manifest for a user based on the current Kubernetes configuration

โ˜ธ How to integrate it with External Secrets ?

When creating an user with kubevault, an associated secret containing the CA and the token used to connect to the "vault" Kubernetes cluster is also created. This secret must be extracted in order to be used in the target cluster to give access to External Secrets.


The following commands assume that the Kubernetes cluster hosting the secrets is accessible through vault.kubernetes > (context kubevault) and the vault is installed in the vault-kvstore namespace. <context> refers to the context of the target cluster.

kubectl --context kubevault get secret --namespace vault-kvstore <user>-token -ojson | jq '.type |= "Opaque" | .metadata |= {name: "vault.kubernetes"}' \
| kubectl --context <context> apply --namespace external-secret --filename -
cat <<EOM | kubectl --context <context> apply --filename -
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterSecretStore
  name: vault.kubernetes
      remoteNamespace: vault-kvstore
        url: https://vault.kubernetes:6443
          type: Secret
          name: vault.kubernetes
          namespace: external-secret
          key: ca.crt
            name: vault.kubernetes
            namespace: external-secret
            key: token

You can also use the kubevault external-secret-store <user> command to generate the ClusterSecretStore manifest for a user based with the following command:

kubevault external-secret-store --kubeconfig <kubeconfig> --context vault.kubernetes <user> | kubectl apply --context <context> --filename -

โš™๏ธ How it works ?

The solution consists of 2 required components:

  • Kubernetes for managing secrets, users, and ACLs
    • I want my secrets to be securely stored
      • At least, they are encrypted in the etcd database (or in the SQLite database for k3s)
    • I want to have all my secrets in one place
    • I want my secrets to be accessible to whoever I want them to be
    • I do not want to use more than 500MB of RAM
      • In my case, I will use a Kubernetes cluster that is already running for mission-critical applications[^1] so it will cost me nothing
    • I do not want to spend time managing the solution
      • As explained above, the time spent managing the solution is already included in the maintenance of the cluster uses to host these secrets
    • I would like to audit my secrets[^2]
  • External Secrets for accessing secrets from outside
    • I want to access my secrets from any Kubernetes cluster

The last point remaining is the versioning of the secrets. For that, I personally use git to manage the versions of the secrets, but feel free to use the solution you prefer, nothing prevents you from using svn, hg, bzr, fossil, ... Of course, in order to keep the secrets secure, I will encrypt them using transcrypt before being committed to the repository. However, like for git, feel free to use the solution you prefer. Also, because all secrets are stored in a YAML format, it is possible to use SOPS to handle the encryption features.

Just add a bit of magic and you're done... and this is where kubevault comes in. It is a simple binary that generates Kubernetes manifests from a configuration directory and lets you apply them to your Kubernetes cluster in the manner you want. However, in order to work, it requires a specific directory architecture.

๐Ÿ“‚ Directory architecture

In order to separate the secrets from the configuration, the following directory structure is used:

โ””โ”€โ”€ vault                       # Root vault directory, also called the "vault_dir"
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ access_control          # Directory containing users and their ACLs
    โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ user1
    โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ user2
    โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ ...
    โ””โ”€โ”€ kvstore                 # Directory containing all secrets, in a YAML format
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ AAA
        โ””โ”€โ”€ BBB
            โ””โ”€โ”€ CCC
                โ””โ”€โ”€ ...

This is the only requirement for the kubevault binary to work. The kvstore directory contains all the secrets in a YAML format, and the access_control directory contains the users and their ACLs.

๐Ÿ”“ Access Control Lists

The advantage of using this architecture relying on Kubernetes is that there is only one possible action as a user; read. And this greatly simplifies ACL management; it only requires something between a user and the secrets they have access to. To keep it simple, the ACLs are just a list of globs (based on crates:glob-match) linked to a user, filtering which file (or secret) they can read or not.

For example, if user user1 needs access to secret AAA and all those in BBB/CCC but not BBB/CCC/EEE, create the file user1 in the access_control directory with the following content:

# Access control rules for user1



I have indeed cheated by delegating the write ACL part to the git server. However, the most popular git servers or providers offer the possibility to manage ACLs on repositories.... So let's take advantage of it ๐Ÿ˜„

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Vulnerability reporting

For reporting vulnerabilities, please contact me directly at xunleii@users.noreply.github.com. The PGP public key can be found on my Keyoxide profile.

๐Ÿ“œ License

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

[^1]: See nexยทrpi for more information

[^2]: See Auditing Kubernetes documentation for more information


~2M SLoC