#helm #productivity #command-line-tool #cli #minikube #helmchart

app kleinwuerfel

Tool to interact with minikube and deploy a set of helm charts

14 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.0 Oct 25, 2022
0.3.5 Oct 19, 2022
0.2.0 Oct 14, 2022
0.1.5 Oct 14, 2022

#2378 in Command line utilities

38 downloads per month

WTFPL license

566 lines


https://crates.io/crates/kleinwuerfel https://github.com/icepuma/kleinwuerfel/actions/workflows/ci.yaml

Opinionated command line tool to interact with minikube. An easy way to deploy a given set of helm charts.

"kleinwuerfel" means more or less "minikube" in German.



As kleinwuerfel interacts with other command line tools, you have install:

  • minikube
  • helm
  • kubectl


  • cargo
    cargo install kleinwuerfel
  • Precompiled binary


Config file

# Amount of CPUs
cpus = 4

# Memory in MB
memory = 8192

# Optional -> added via --set to each "helm upgrade"
"imageRegistry.username" = "${env.HARBOR_USERNAME}"
"imageRegistry.password" = "${env.HARBOR_SECRET}"

# Name to be referenced in [[helmchart]] blocks
name = "helm-chart-repo-1"

# URL for "helm repo add ..." and "helm login" when "username" and "password" are both set
url = "some.registry.url/chartrepo"

# Optional
username = "${env.HARBOR_USERNAME}"

# Optional
password = "${env.HARBOR_SECRET}"

# Reference to name of [[helm_chart_repo]] block
helm_chart_repo = "helm-chart-repo-1"
# Is combined for "helm upgrade ... helm-chart-1 helm-chart-repo-1/helm-chart-1"
name = "helm-chart-1"
# Port fowarding
ports = [8080, 9999]

# Optional -> added via --set to "helm upgrade". Overrides "default_values"
"some.additional.value" = "true"

# Reference to name of [[helm_chart_repo]] block
helm_chart_repo = "helm-chart-repo-1"
# Is combined for "helm upgrade ... helm-chart-1 helm-chart-repo-1/helm-chart-2"
name = "helm-chart-2"

Up (start minikube and deploy helm charts)

  • If minikube status exits with 0, we assume that it is already running and skip the minikube start part
kleinwuerfel up [--no-deploy]


  • Calls minikube delete right now
kleinwuerfel down


  • Better error handling
  • More testing


~308K SLoC