1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Sep 1, 2020 |
#932 in Game dev
Note: Currently, the thinking part is not working yet. I don't know if I can make it.
注:現在、思考部はまだ 機能していません 。作れるかわかりません。
Programming computer shogi (Japanese chess) is difficult.
How can I improve my programming skills?
A strategy of gradually stepping up from a simple game is not appropriate.
The reason is that the right program to solve the problem depends entirely on the game. Unless you have general artificial intelligence.
I recommend that you write computer shogi software directly, rather than bypassing it.
Of course it's best to start by modifying the strongest library. Helps to find out what is missing.
もちろん、最強のライブラリを変更することから始めるのが最善です。 何が欠けているかを知るのに役立ちます。
However, if you want to overcome the weaknesses of basic programming skills unrelated to computer shogi, it makes sense to start with a simple program.
Connect-four games, for example, are so vast that they can't be fully explored on home computers, but they're easy to run and their skills are easy to check.
Computer shogi, computer go program Kifuwarabe has been converted into connect-four.
It was implemented with an unspecified UXI protocol that imitates the UCI / USI protocol. X has no meaning. UCI / USIプロトコルを模した未指定のUXIプロトコルで実装しました。 X に意味はありません。
Come see the repository.
There is no GUI (Graphical user interface). Thought engine only.
GUIは ありません。思考エンジンのみです。
Note: Not currently a library . It will be converted to a library in a later update.
注: 現在ライブラリではありません 。後のアップデートでライブラリに変換します。
cargo run
In game:
casual_logger | Remove 0 log file(s).
| If you don't want this message, set `Log::set_opt(Opt::Release);`.
Hello, world!
... Test run. Omitted ...
Kifuwarabe's connect-four
`do d` - Mark the d file.
手番のプレイヤーが、 7 列目に印を付けます。
`go` - The computer shows the next move.
`info-off` - no info output.
`info-on` - There is info output.(Default)
`learn` - Learning.
`pos` - Position display.
`position xfen 7/7/7/7/7/7 O moves d c`
- Starting position and moves.
`uh` - Step of learning.
`undo` - 1 back.
`uxi` - Returns 'uxiok connect-four {protocol-version}'. It is a version of the protocol, not software.
'uxiok connect-four {protocol-version}' を返します。ソフトではなくプロトコルのバージョンです。
`xfen` - The current xfen string display.
Let's input from `pos`.
`pos` から入力してみましょう。
Input in game:
A file of about 262 KB is automatically generated, so be careful of free disk space.
約262KB のファイルが自動生成されますので、空き容量にご注意ください。
Oops, a large log file will also be output, so make sure you have about 100 MB or more free. It grows bigger and bigger. Erase it manually if you think it is dangerous.
おっと、大きなログファイルも出力されるので、 約100MB以上 の空きがあることを確認してください。 それはますます大きくなります。 危険と思われる場合は手動で消去してください。
Output in game:
... Omitted ...
| Feature number | Current evaluation | Choice way | Give | Take | Refund
File | Vert Hori Baro Sini | Vert Hori Baro Sini Total | File Result | Val Vert Hori Baro Sini Total | Val Rest Vert Hori Baro Sini Total | Val Vert Hori Baro Sini Total
---- + ---- ---- ---- ---- + ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- + ------ ------ + ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- + ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- + ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
a | 1 8 16 . | 6 57 60 . 123 | a Win | 4 4 49 59 . 112 | 7 . 7 57 61 . 125 | . 7 57 61 . 125
b | 2 8 17 . | . 57 2 . 59 | b Win | 4 . 49 . . 49 | 7 . 3 57 2 . 62 | . 3 57 2 . 62
c | 3 8 18 . | 3 57 59 . 119 | resign Lose | 4 1 49 58 . 108 | . . 1 57 58 . 116 | . 1 57 58 . 116
d | 4 8 19 20 | 69 57 34 5 165 | d Win | 4 68 49 33 4 154 | 7 . 70 57 35 5 167 | . 70 57 35 5 167
e | 5 8 . 21 | 3 57 . 12 72 | e Win | 4 1 49 . 11 61 | 7 . 4 57 . 13 74 | . 4 57 . 13 74
f | 6 8 . 22 | 6 57 . 41 104 | resign Lose | 4 4 49 . 40 93 | . . 4 57 . 40 101 | . 4 57 . 40 101
g | 7 8 . 23 | 3 57 . 3 63 | resign Lose | 4 1 49 . 2 52 | . . 1 57 . 2 60 | . 1 57 . 2 60
... Omitted ...
Note: I want a strong thinking part, but I don't think it helps.
The evaluation points are distributed by adding and subtracting integers without using differentiation or real numbers.
注意: 強力な思考部が欲しいのですが、それは 役に立たないと思います。
Input in game:
Output in game:
[Next 1 piece(s) | Go O]
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Please select a file. Example `do d`
6 | | | | | | | | 列を選んでください。例 `do d`
5 | | | | | | | | a b c d e f g
4 | | | | | | | |
3 | | | | | | | |
2 | | | | | | | |
1 | | | | | | | |
a b c d e f g
Input in game:
do d
Output in game:
[Next 2 piece(s) | Go X]
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Please select a file. Example `do d`
6 | | | | | | | | 列を選んでください。例 `do d`
5 | | | | | | | | a b c d e f g
4 | | | | | | | |
3 | | | | | | | |
2 | | | | | | | |
1 | | | | O | | | |
a b c d e f g
Input in game:
Output in game:
info json { "nps": 1, "nodes": 1, "push":"f" , "O":"Search.", "channel1":Win, "choose":"f", "total":475, "a":28, "b":70, "c":69, "d":147, "e":64, "f":59, "g":38, "pv":["d","f"] }
info json { "nps": 2, "nodes": 2, "push":"d" , "X":"Search.", "channel1":Win, "choose":"d", "total":470, "a":93, "b":30, "c":84, "d":139, "e":42, "f":54, "g":28, "pv":["d","f","d"] }
info json { "nps": 3, "nodes": 3, "push":"d" , "O":"Search.", "channel1":Win, "choose":"d", "total":463, "a":29, "b":71, "c":54, "d":147, "e":62, "f":61, "g":39, "pv":["d","f","d","d"] }
... omitted ...
info string pred_result=Win nps=23
bestmove f
Input in game:
do f
Output in game:
[Next 3 piece(s) | Go O]
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Please select a file. Example `do d`
6 | | | | | | | | 列を選んでください。例 `do d`
5 | | | | | | | | a b c d e f g
4 | | | | | | | |
3 | | | | | | | |
2 | | | | | | | |
1 | | | | O | | X | |
a b c d e f g
Input in game:
Output in game:
xfen 7/7/7/7/7/7 O moves d f
Input in game:
position xfen 7/7/7/7/XOXOXOX/OXOXOXO O moves d f
Output in game:
[Next 17 piece(s) | Go O]
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Please select a file. Example `do d`
6 | | | | | | | | 列を選んでください。例 `do d`
5 | | | | | | | | a b c d e f g
4 | | | | | | | |
3 | | | | O | | X | |
2 | X | O | X | O | X | O | X |
1 | O | X | O | X | O | X | O |
a b c d e f g
Input in game:
Evaluation design
Does not work. You should make the thinking part.
働きません。 あなたは考える部分を作るべきです。
Elemental features
Numbered the lines that intersect the squares.
elemental features:
features square:
square value:
feature size:
How to program a connect-four game?
During development, you may need to reproduce the behavior of your computer.
It is difficult to compare the behavior. Instead, it is useful to get the logs and compare the logs.
But logger's difficult to make, so use library.
- Step 1. Use logger library.
- Use casual_logger library at 'Cargo.toml', 'main.rs'.
- Create the 'log.rs' file.
- Extend the logger.
Let's proceed with development while testing.
- Step 2. Create the
file.- Add little by little as you progress through the steps.
The first thing you have to create is your motive.
It is important to start with the appearance.
- Step 3. Create the 'main.rs' file and 'look_and_model.rs' file.
- Engine - Title screen.
- Piece - "O", "X".
- Game result - Win/Draw/Lose.
- Position - It's the board.
- Search - Computer player search.
- Search info - Computer player search info.
If you want to play immediately, you have the talent of a game creator.
Being able to control your position means being able to play.
- Step 4. Create the 'position.rs' file.
- do_move
- undo_move
- opponent
Let's enter commands into the computer. Create a command line parser.
- Step 5. Create the 'command_line_seek.rs' file.
- Starts with.
- Go next to.
- Rest.
People who are looking for something 10 minutes a day are looking for something for a week in a year.
Before creating the game itself, let's first create the replay function. Let's get it for a week.
- Step 6. Create the 'uxi_protocol.rs' file.
- Do. (Before 'From XFEN') Excludes legal moves and winning/losing decisions.
- To XFEN.
- From XFEN.
- Undo.
Let's make a principal command.
- Step 7. Create the 'engine.rs' file. Command line.
- position.
- pos.
- do.
- undo.
- uxi.
- xfen.
- Step 8. 'src/main.rs' or 'examples/main.rs'.
Before you make a computer player, let's judge the outcome. And let's test.
- Step 9. 'win_lose_judgment.rs'
- Win.
- Draw - Not win, not lose, can not play.
- Lose. - Not win is lose.
Before creating a computer player, let's create a mechanism to measure performance.
- Step 10. 'performance_measurement.rs'
- Seconds. - Stopwatch.
- Node per second.
Let's make a computer player.
- Step 11. 'computer_player/search.rs'
- Search.
- 'main.py'
- Create "go" command.
Let's larning a computer thinking.
- Step 12. 'computer_player/evaluation.rs'
- Evaluation - None.
- ways_weight.
- Save.
- Load.
- Get value.
- Set value.
- Print some feature.
- Evaluation - None.
- Step 13.
- Remeve all 'TODO' tasks. Examples: '// TODO Write a code here.'
~108K SLoC