2 releases

0.4.1 Sep 28, 2024
0.4.0 Sep 28, 2024

#630 in Network programming

Download history 294/week @ 2024-09-23 76/week @ 2024-09-30 7/week @ 2024-10-07 7/week @ 2024-10-14

384 downloads per month


26K SLoC


Naming Convention

  • all constructs start with iox2_
  • structs end with a _t
  • owning handles end with a _h and are a type definition to a struct iox2_foo_h_t; as pub type iox2_foo_h = *mut iox2_foo_h_t
  • non-owning handles end with a _h_ref and are a type definition to a iox2_foo_h as pub type iox2_foo_h_ref = *const iox2_foo_h
  • immutable pointer to the Rust type end with a _ptr and are a type definition like pub type iox2_foo_ptr = *const Foo
  • mutable pointer to the Rust type end with a _ptr_mut and are a type definition like pub type iox2_foo_ptr_mut = *mut Foo
  • enums ends with a _e

Pattern for Type Erasure

The type erasure is usually done in two stages with iox2_foo_storage_t and iox2_foo_t.

The iox2_foo_storage_t is the storage for the Rust type Option<Foo> and must match the size and alignment of Option<Foo>. If the internal storage must hold multiple types, a union can be used. The struct is not supposed to be used standalone but always in combination with an iox2_foo_t. Assuming the size is 160 and the alignment is 8, then the storage is defined as following

#[repr(align(8))] // alignment of Option<Foo>
pub struct iox2_foo_storage_t {
    internal: [u8; 160], // magic number obtained with size_of::<Option<Foo>>()

The iox2_foo_t is the actual type that is used by the user. It contains the internal storage, a deleter and optionally further data, e.g. to distinguish between multiple allowed types of iox2_foo_storage_t.

pub struct iox2_foo_t {
    /// cbindgen:rename=internal
    foo: iox2_foo_storage_t,
    deleter: fn(*mut iox2_foo_t),

A corresponding iox2_foo_new or iox2_foo_builder_create function initialized the storage. It is recommended to allow passing a NULL pointer to these functions to indicate that the function shall allocate the memory from the heap. A corresponding iox2_foo_drop shall be used to destruct the underlying Rust type and call the deleter function to free the memory. If the Rust API takes the ownership of Foo, the C API will also take the ownership of the handle and iox2_foo_drop shall not be called.

When the owning handle is passed to a function, the ownership of the underlying data is moved to that specific function and the *_h handles as well as all the *_ptr related to that handle are invalid. Accessing the handles or pointer afterwards lead to undefined behavior. The only exception are the iox2_cast_* functions which can be used to get _ptr and _ptr_mut pointer the the Rust type or a non-owning _h_ref handle to the C struct.

The corresponding handle and pointer are defined like this

pub struct iox2_foo_h_t;
pub type iox2_foo_h = *mut iox2_foo_h_t;
pub type iox2_foo_h_ref = *const iox2_foo_h;

pub type iox2_foo_ptr = *const Foo;

pub type iox2_foo_ptr_mut = *mut Foo;

The _h handle is in general created by a builder and the _ptr pointer are in general provided by a function, e.g. as return value.

The src/node_name.rs file can be used as a more comprehensive example on how to implement an FFI binding for a specific type.

Opaque Types

In order to prevent symbol pollution in C, all types need to be prefixed with iox2_ or renamed via cbindgen.toml if they originate outside of this crate. The opaque types additionally need to be manually forward-declared in cbindgen.toml since cbindgen does not do it automatically.

  • renaming is done in [export.rename] with "Foo" = "iox2_foo_ptr_t"
  • forward declaration is done in the after_includes section with typedef struct iox2_foo_ptr_t iox2_foo_ptr_t;

Why the folder structure with 'api' and 'test'

As it turned out cdylibs do not play well with integration tests. The cdylib is build with panic="abort" but the tests require panic="unwind". This results in building the lib twice if there are integration tests and leads to the following warning and eventually to build failures.

warning: output filename collision. The lib target iceoryx2_ffi in package iceoryx2-ffi vX.Y.Z (C:\Users\ekxide\iceoryx2\iceoryx2-ffi\ffi) has the same output filename as the lib target iceoryx2_ffi in package iceoryx2-ffi vX.Y.Z (C:\Users\ekxide\iceoryx2\iceoryx2-ffi\ffi). Colliding filename is: C:\Users\ekxide\iceoryx2\target\release\deps\iceoryx2_ffi.lib The targets should have unique names. Consider changing their names to be unique or compiling them separately. This may become a hard error in the future; see https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/6313.

As a workaround, the integrationtests are placed in the module. This would give access to private API though. To circumvent this problem, only pub(super) shall be used if an API needs to be available in other modules but not pub(crate). With the chosen folder structure the tests can again only be written as whitebox tests.


~163K SLoC