#cli #db2 #rustdb2 #clidb2

bin+lib ibm_db

A tool for DB2 connectivity using CLI Driver

15 releases (6 stable)

1.0.5 Jul 13, 2021
1.0.4 Jul 12, 2021
1.0.3 Apr 28, 2021
1.0.1 Feb 16, 2021
0.1.1 Dec 9, 2020

#496 in Database interfaces

Download history 9/week @ 2024-02-25 1/week @ 2024-03-03 228/week @ 2024-03-31

228 downloads per month




Interface for Rust to DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for LUW, DB2 for i with support for Connection Pooling using r2d2.

API Documentation

For complete list of rust_ibm_db APIs refer to ODBC documentation


RUST should be installed(Rust version should be >=1.45) Confirm by typing below in command prompt:

>rustc --version

GIT should be installed Confirm by typing below in command prompt:

>git --version

How to Install If CLI Driver is not installed:

Download the ibm_db crate from crates.io using the below link:


Once done, unzip the .crate file which is actually a .tar.gz.

Copy the setup.rs from "examples" folder to your RUST project under examples folder.

Add the below dependencies in case not present:

cc = "1.0"
winapi = "0.2"
user32-sys = "0.2"
sys-info = "0.7.0"
bitness = "0.4.0"
error-chain = "0.12.4"
tempfile = "3.1.0"
reqwest = "0.10.10"
tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }
futures = "0.3.8"
zip = "0.5"
flate2 = "1.0"
tar = "0.4"

winapi = "0.2"
user32-sys = "0.2"
sys-info = "0.7.0"
bitness = "0.4.0"
error-chain = "0.12.4"
tempfile = "3.1.0"
reqwest = "0.10.10"
tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }
futures = "0.3.8"
zip = "0.5"
flate2 = "1.0"
tar = "0.4"
odbc-safe = "0.5.0"
odbc-sys = "0.8.2"
log = "0.4.1"
encoding_rs = "0.8.14"
prettytable-rs = "^0.8"
lazy_static = "1.0"
r2d2 = "0.8"

Now, run the below command once you have followed the above steps and CLI Driver will be installed:

cargo run --package <package name i.e. ibm_db or <your package name>> --example setup

Then you can do "cargo install --path ." from ibm_db crate or "cargo install ibm_db" or simply include the "ibm_db" driver in your cargo.toml depending on your convenience.


In order for the test/db program to run, DSN needs to be configured. Update the db2dsdriver.cfg file(present in /clidriver/cfg folder under CLI driver path) with the requisite details.

Example as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
	<dsn alias="dashdb4" host="test@test.com" name="FOO" port="0000"/>

	<database host="test@test.com" name="FOO" port="0000"/>


Include ibm_db in your cargo.toml with latest version from Crates.io


Simply include this project in your RUST project.


In case it is not already set, add the path of the CLI Driver downloaded as above to your Path on Windows/LINUX/MACOS environment variable i.e. IBM_DB_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH depending on Windows/LINUX/MACOS e.g:

set PATH = C:/IBM/IBM_DATA_SERVER_DRIVER/clidriver/bin

License requirements for connecting to databases

rust_ibm_db driver can connect to DB2 on Linux Unix and Windows without any additional license/s, however, connecting to databases on DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for i(AS400) Servers require either client side or server side license/s. The client side license would need to be copied under license folder of your clidriver installation directory and for activating server side license, you would need to purchase DB2 Connect Unlimited for System z® and DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i®.

To know more about license and purchasing cost, please contact IBM Customer Support.

To know more about server based licensing viz db2connectactivate, follow below links:

How to run sample program:

To run the sample i.e. main.rs simply execute:-

cargo run

You can also run other Sample Programs under examples folder using:

cargo run --package ibm_db --example <example_name i.e. connect or list_tables etc.>
e.g. cargo run --package ibm_db --example connect


If you get an error i.e. "dyld: Library not loaded: libdb2.dylib" Run the following command(Where replace the <RUST_CRATE_LIB> with the path of your rust program root folder):

install_name_tool -change libdb2.dylib $IBM_DB_HOME/lib/libdb2.dylib <RUST_CRATE_LIB>/target/debug/ibm_db

Contributing to the ibm_db RUST project


The developer sign-off should include the reference to the DCO in remarks(example below):
DCO 1.1 Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <random@developer.org>


~579K SLoC