#i2cdev #bmp280 #i2c-dev

bin+lib i2cdev-bmp280

I2C driver for the BMP280 barometer, thermometer

5 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.4 Oct 18, 2017
0.1.3 Aug 23, 2017
0.1.2 Aug 12, 2017
0.1.1 Aug 6, 2017
0.1.0 Aug 6, 2017

41 downloads per month


502 lines


An I2C driver for the BMP280 barometer, thermometer.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

i2csensors = "0.1.*"
i2cdev-bmp280 = "0.1.*"

Next, add this to your crate root:

extern crate i2cdev_bmp280;
extern crate i2csensors;

Initializing and reading from a BMP280

use i2cdev_bmp280::*;
use i2csensors::{Barometer, Thermometer};

fn main() {
	let i2c_device = i2cdev_bmp280::get_linux_bmp280_i2c_device().unwrap();
	let settings = BMP280Settings 
                compensation: BMP280CompensationAlgorithm::B64,
                t_sb: BMP280Timing::ms0_5,
                iir_filter_coeff: BMP280FilterCoefficient::Medium,
                osrs_t: BMP280TemperatureOversampling::x1,
                osrs_p: BMP280PressureOversampling::StandardResolution,
                power_mode: BMP280PowerMode::NormalMode 

    let bmp280 = BMP280::new(device, settings);

    let temperatue = bmp280.temperature_celsius().unwrap();
    let pressure = bmp280.pressure_kpa().unwrap());

Settings can be adjusted according to the datasheet.


~58K SLoC