#sandbox #holochain #root-directory #hc #sandboxed #directories

bin+lib holochain_cli_sandbox

A library and CLI to help create, run and interact with sandboxed Holochain conductor environments, for testing and development purposes

233 releases

0.5.0-dev.21 Mar 3, 2025
0.5.0-dev.16 Jan 29, 2025
0.5.0-dev.11 Dec 25, 2024
0.5.0-dev.7 Nov 27, 2024
0.0.3 Jul 29, 2021

#786 in Magic Beans

Download history 393/week @ 2024-11-27 311/week @ 2024-12-04 357/week @ 2024-12-11 349/week @ 2024-12-18 325/week @ 2024-12-25 230/week @ 2025-01-01 537/week @ 2025-01-08 262/week @ 2025-01-15 225/week @ 2025-01-22 283/week @ 2025-01-29 180/week @ 2025-02-05 162/week @ 2025-02-12 253/week @ 2025-02-19 346/week @ 2025-02-26 281/week @ 2025-03-05 61/week @ 2025-03-12

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24K SLoC


A library and CLI to help create, run, and interact with sandboxed Holochain conductor environments, for testing and development purposes.


The hc sandbox CLI makes it easy to run a hApp that you are working on or someone has sent you. It has been designed to use sensible defaults but still give you the configurability when that's required. Sandboxes are stored in subdirectories of your system's temp directory by default, and references to their paths are persisted in a .hc file in your current working directory as you generate sandboxes. If you'd like to persist sandboxes in a more permanent place, you can specify a root directory and/or names for individual sandbox directories.


Quick install

Follow the quick start guide on the Holochain Developer Portal to get set up with all the Holochain development tools, including the hc CLI and official extensions.

Install via Cargo


You can install the hc-sandbox CLI tool via crates.io:

cargo install holochain_cli_sandbox

Or you can install the entire hc CLI tool, which includes hc-sandbox as a subcommand:

cargo install holochain_cli

The examples below assume that you've installed the full hc rather than just hc-sandbox.

Common usage

The best place to start is:

hc sandbox --help

This will be more up to date than this readme.


This command can be used to generate and run conductor sandboxes.

hc sandbox run --help
# or shorter
hc sandbox r -h


Generates new conductor sandboxes and installs hApps into them.

In a folder that contains your bundled hApp (see documentation on the hc-bundle command), you can generate and run a new sandbox with:

hc sandbox generate
# or shorter
hc sandbox g

You can also generate more than one sandbox at a time:

hc sandbox generate --num-sandboxes 5

This command will create randomly-named directories in your system's temp directory, and store their paths in a .hc file in your current working directory. If you have previously created sandboxes, the new sandboxes' paths will be appended to the end of the .hc file. Note that if your system periodically cleans up its temp directory, the paths may end up pointing to non-existent sandboxes over time.

You can also specify persistent directories to create your sandboxes in via the --root option (the root directory must exist beforehand), as well as specify directory names for individual sandboxes via the --directories option. Make sure the number of directory names matches the number of sandboxes you're trying to create; if you don't specify enough directory names, the rest will be autogenerated.

# a randomly named sandbox directory in the following directory
hc sandbox generate --root my-sandboxes/
# three explicitly named sandboxes in the system temp directory
hc sandbox generate --num-sandboxes 3 --directories alice,bob,carol

While these directories are useful for creating test fixtures, their usefulness on other machines and across test runs is limited, as the generated conductor configurations have machine-dependent paths and the databases accumulate data with each run.

Finally, you can specify the type of network transport the sandboxes will use to communicate with each other via a network subcommand at the very end.

hc sandbox generate network quic

You can also generate sandboxes with the underlying dpki service disabled by passing in the --no-dpki flag.

hc sandbox generate --no-dpki

You can generate and run in the same command using the --run option. The argument passed to -r is a comma-separated list of ports to bind the sandboxes' app API WebSockets to, with 0 indicating that a port should be auto-selected. Once again, make sure the number of ports matches the number of sandboxes to be run; if not enough ports are specified, the remaining sandboxes won't be run.

hc sandbox generate --num-sandboxes 5 --run 0,9500,9501,0,0 ./elemental-chat.happ

As a full example, this will generate and run five named sandboxes in a subdirectory called my-sandboxes, with app IDs set to my-app using the elemental-chat.happ from the current directory with a QUIC network configured to use localhost and full use of the DPKI service.

You don't need to specify the filename of the hApp when there's only one in your current working directory.

hc sandbox generate \
    --app-id "my-app" \
    --num-sandboxes 5 \
    --root my-sandboxes/ \
    --directories alice,bob,carol,dave,eve \
    --run 0,0,0,0,0 \
    ./elemental-chat.happ \
    network quic


Creates 'empty' sandboxes; that is, sandboxes with no apps installed. This can be useful for testing the implementation of a program that controls the conductor via the admin API, such as an application launcher. Most of the options for hc generate also work with hc create:

hc sandbox create \
    --num-sandboxes 5 \
    --root my-sandboxes/ \
    --directories alice,bob,carol,dave,eve \
    --run 0,0,0,0,0 \
    network quic


Allows calling the conductor admin API API on one or more running sandboxes. Although the API functions receive input as MessagePack-serialized data, this command lets you conveniently pass them as command-line arguments instead. For a list of all available admin API functions, run:

hc sandbox call --help
[... options and flags ...]
    add-admin-ws     Calls AdminRequest::AddAdminInterfaces and adds another admin interface
    add-agents       Calls AdminRequest::AddAgentInfo. _Unimplemented_
    add-app-ws       Calls AdminRequest::AttachAppInterface and adds another app interface
    disable-app      Calls AdminRequest::DisableApp and disables the installed app
    dump-state       Calls AdminRequest::DumpState and dumps the current cell's state. TODO: Add pretty print. TODO:
                     Default to dumping all cell state
    enable-app       Calls AdminRequest::EnableApp and activates the installed app
    help             Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install-app      Calls AdminRequest::InstallApp and installs a new app
    list-agents      Calls AdminRequest::RequestAgentInfo and pretty prints the agent info on this conductor
    list-app-ws      Calls AdminRequest::ListAppInterfaces
    list-apps        Calls AdminRequest::ListApps
    list-cells       Calls AdminRequest::ListCellIds
    list-dnas        Calls AdminRequest::ListDnas
    new-agent        Calls AdminRequest::GenerateAgentPubKey
    register-dna     Calls AdminRequest::RegisterDna and registers a Dna. You can only use a path or a hash not both
    uninstall-app    Calls AdminRequest::UninstallApp

For information on the input parameters of a function, run:

hc sandbox call <api-function> --help
# for example:
hc sandbox call disable-app --help
hc-sandbox-call-disable-app 0.1.3
Calls AdminRequest::DisableApp and disables the installed app

    hc sandbox call disable-app <app-id>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <app-id>    The InstalledAppId to disable

List and Clean

These commands allow you to list the persisted sandboxes in the current directory (from the.hc) file. You can use the index from:

hc sandbox list


Sandboxes contained in `.hc`
0: /tmp/KOXgKVLBVvoxe8iKD4iSS
1: /tmp/m8VHwwt93Uh-nF-vr6nf6
2: /tmp/t6adQomMLI5risj8K2Tsd

To then call or run an individual sandbox (or subset):

hc sandbox r -i=0,2

You can remove all of the sandboxes with:

hc sandbox clean

This removes the sandbox directories referenced in the .hc file in the current working directory, as well as the .hc file itself.


This crate can also be used as a library so you can create more complex sandboxes / admin calls. See the docs:

cargo doc --open

and the examples.


~2M SLoC