#parser #variables #string #reference #string-parser #hermes #cache


A very convenient string parsing crate that can parse function and variable references in strings into corresponding values

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 24, 2023

#4 in #hermes

Apache-2.0 and GPL-3.0-only

278 lines


A very convenient string parsing crate that can parse function and variable references in strings into corresponding values.

String Syntax Example

let input = "${hostname()}+\"dd\"+true+${name}+${invalid}+${random_str(${len})}+${multiply(1,-2.5,3)}";

The string can contain function calls, variable references, booleans, numbers, and strings, connected by "+".

  • Function Expression: syntax is ${function_name(args...)}, where function_name is the name of a function, and args are multiple parameters, which can also be absent, depending on the parameters required by the function. Args can also be function calls, variable references, booleans, numbers, and strings.
  • Variable Expression: syntax is ${variable_name}.
  • Boolean Expression: just true or false.
  • Number Expression: like 10, -12, 12.56 and so on.
  • String Expression: any characters between two double quotation marks. like "foo and bar".

How to use

You need to initialize a Cache struct to store all your variables and functions. Then, you can call parse or parse_to_string function to parse the a string.

See example below:

use hermes::{cache::{ ExpType, Cache, CacheVariable }, error::Error};

fn main() {
    // new a cache with 10 size capacity
    let mut cache = Cache::new(10);
    // add two variables to cache
    cache.add_variable(CacheVariable::new("name".to_string(), ExpType::STRING("liudao".to_string())));
    cache.add_variable(CacheVariable::new("len".to_string(), ExpType::INT(10)));

    // add a custom function to cache
    cache.add_function("multiply", Box::new(|params: Vec<ExpType>| -> Result<ExpType, Error>{
        Ok(params.into_iter().fold(ExpType::FLOAT(1.0f32), |acc, item| {
            let acc_num = if let ExpType::FLOAT(float) = acc {
            } else {
            match item {
                ExpType::INT(i) => ExpType::FLOAT(acc_num * i as f32),
                ExpType::FLOAT(f) => ExpType::FLOAT(acc_num * f),
                _ => acc,

    // define a complex str
    let input = "${hostname()}+\"dd\"+true+${name}+${invalid}+${random_str(${len})}+${multiply(1,-2.5,3)}}";
    // parse the str
    println!("parse result is: {}", hermes::lexer::parse_to_string(input, &mut cache));



parse result is: MacBook-Pro.localddtrueliudaojdTXX8f16d-7.5

Inner Function

  • random_str(len) Get a random string with length.
  • random_bool() Get a random boolean value.
  • random_num() or random_num(end) or random_num(start,end) Get a random number.
  • hostname() Get your hostname.
  • current_time Get current time with format.


~128K SLoC