2 unstable releases
0.2.0 | Jan 3, 2023 |
0.1.0 | Jan 27, 2021 |
#131 in Multimedia
Used in helios-dac
Contains (static library, 3MB) libarm_cortexM4l_math.a, (static library, 1.5MB) libusb-1.0-win32.lib, (static library, 2MB) libusb-1.0.lib, (static library, 1MB) libusb-1.0.lib, (DOS exe, 720KB) bossac.exe, (Windows DLL, 485KB) sdk/sdk/HeliosLaserDAC-x64.dll and 15 more.
A Rust library to interact with the Helios Laser DAC.
DISCLAIMER: I have not properly tested this with a real laser. Be careful as Lasers may harm your eyes when used improperly.
Wrapper for the official sdk as well as a native rust implementation of the protocol.
Disclaimer: Because of compilation issues on my main machine I could not test the sdk version against the dac. I've made sure it compiles, but my focus is on the rust native version.
helios-dac = "0.1"
To use the rust version instead of the offical sdk use the native
feature and disable default features:
helios-dac = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["native"] }
To build the sdk version you can use the Makefile. It will spin up a docker container with the required build dependencies.