9 releases
Uses new Rust 2024
0.12.0-rc.3 | Feb 22, 2025 |
0.12.0-rc.2 | Feb 21, 2025 |
0.10.0 | Apr 15, 2024 |
0.9.0 | Mar 4, 2024 |
0.8.0 | Jan 30, 2022 |
#50 in Date and time
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a small actor library
In async Rust you find yourself often spawning tasks and instantiating channels to communicate between them. This can be cumbersome in larger projects and become complicated once you want to support multiple message types. You also end up handling the lifecycle of your tasks and channels manually again and again. See simple-channels-only.rs.
An actor is a task that encapsulates its own state and can receive messages. You can pass around strong and weak Addresses to the concret actor type.
- feels like actix, but async
- each actor runs in its own task
- actors can be stopped or
- weak and strong addresses (by actor-type)
- weak and strong senders and callers (by message-type)
- using futures for asynchronous message handling.
- typed messages. Generic messages are allowed.
Create a struct that becomes your actor and holds its state.
It can receive Greet
and Add
/// MyActor is a struct that will be turned into an actor
struct MyActor(&'static str);
struct Greet(&'static str);
#[message(response = i32)]
struct Add(i32, i32);
impl Actor for MyActor {}
/// just print a greeting
impl Handler<Greet> for MyActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>, msg: Greet) {
"[Actor {me}] Hello {you}, my name is {me}",
me = self.0,
you = msg.0,
/// handle the addition of two numbers and return the result
impl Handler<Add> for MyActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>, msg: Add) -> i32 {
msg.0 + msg.1
// spawn the actor and get its address
let mut addr = MyActor("Caesar").spawn();
// send a message without a response
// expecting a response
let addition = addr.call(Add(1, 2)).await;
println!("The Actor Calculated: {:?}", addition);
see simple.rs
Senders and Callers
You can also address actors by their message type, not their concrete type. This is especially useful when you want to send a message to an actor without knowing its concrete type. There might be multiple actors that can handle the same message type.
let sender = addr.sender::<Greet>();
let caller = addr.caller::<Add>();
// send a message without a response
// expecting a response
let addition = caller.call(Add(1, 2)).await;
println!("The Actor Calculated: {:?}", addition);
see simple.rs
Handling Streams
Often you need to handle streams of messages, e.g. from a TCP connections or websockets.
#[derive(Default, Actor)]
struct FizzBuzzer(&'static str);
impl StreamHandler<i32> for FizzBuzzer {
async fn handle(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>, msg: i32)
match (msg % 3 == 0, msg % 5 == 0) {
(true, true) => self.0 = "fizzbuzz",
(true, false) => self.0 = "fizz",
(false, true) => self.0 = "buzz",
_ => {}
async fn main() {
// just imagine this is a websocket stream
let num_stream = futures::stream::iter(1..30);
let addr = hannibal::build(FizzBuzzer("Caesar"))
see stream.rs
Services are actors that can be accessed globally via a registry. This is useful for shared resources like databases or caches.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Actor, Service)]
struct StorageService {
storage: HashMap<String, String>,
struct Store(&'static str, &'static str);
#[message(response = Option<String>)]
struct Retrieve(&'static str);
impl Handler<Store> for StorageService {
async fn handle(&mut self, _: &mut Context<Self>, Store(key, value): Store) {
self.storage.insert(key.to_string(), value.to_string());
impl Handler<Retrieve> for StorageService {
async fn handle(&mut self, _: &mut Context<Self>, Retrieve(key): Retrieve) -> Option<String> {
// Setup the service
// Store a value
.send(Store("password", "hello world")).await
// Retrieve the value
let result = StorageService::from_registry().await
.call(Retrieve("password")) .await
println!("retrieved: {:?}", result);
In this example, StorageService
is a globally accessible service that stores key-value pairs. You can send messages to store and retrieve values from anywhere in your application.
Brokers are services that can be used to broadcast messages to multiple actors.
#[derive(Clone, Message)]
struct Topic1(u32);
#[derive(Debug, Default, Message)]
struct Subscribing(Vec<u32>);
impl Actor for Subscribing {
async fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Self>) -> DynResult<()> {
impl Handler<Topic1> for Subscribing {
async fn handle(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>, msg: Topic1) {
let subscriber1 = Subscribing::default().spawn_owning();
let subscriber2 = Subscribing::default().spawn_owning();
let value1 = subscriber1.stop_and_join().unwrap().await.unwrap();
let value2 = subscriber2.stop_and_join().unwrap().await.unwrap();
println!("Subscriber 1 received: {:?}", value1);
println!("Subscriber 2 received: {:?}", value2);
see broker.rs
Intervals and Timers
Owning Addresses
New since 0.12
Hannibal until v0.10 was a fork of xactor. Since 0.12 it is a complete, indicated by skipping versions 0.11 entirely. The rewrite with the following features:
- Modern Rust: no more async-trait, no more once_cell
- simpler but more explicit errors
- no more anyhow, but more explicit reasons when the actor fails
- Strong and Weak Senders and Callers (as in actix)
- weak and strong callers and senders can be created from weak and strong addresses
- Exchangeable Channel Implementation
- included: bounded and unbounded
- Streams are Handled by launching an actor together with a stream.
- Avoids extra tasks and simplifies the logic. The actor lives only as long as the stream.
- Actor trait only brings methods that you should implement (better "implement missing members" behavior)
- derive macros for
- Owning Addresses
- allows returning actor content after stop
- Builder
Any help in form of descriptive and friendly issues or comprehensive pull requests are welcome!
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in notify-rust by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
The Changelog of this library is generated from its commit log, there any commit message must conform with https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/. For simplicity you could make your commits with convco.
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