#ripgrep #json #deserialize-json #output #parser #serde #rg-replace

yanked grep_json_deserialize

A parser for the output of ripgrep --json

3 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.2 Nov 5, 2018
0.1.1 Nov 2, 2018
0.1.0 Nov 2, 2018

#17 in #ripgrep

MIT license

197 lines

Deserialization for the output of grep_printer::JSON.

Created to deserialize ripgrep --json output for rg_replace. Powered by serde.


grep_json_deserialize = "0.1.2"
serde_json = "1.0.32"


use std::process::Command;

extern crate grep_json_deserialize as deserialize;
use deserialize::{ArbitraryData::*, Type::*, *};

fn main() {
    // grep_json always puts out valid UTF-8
    // let out = String::from_utf8(Command::new("rg").arg("main").output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap();
    let out = r#"{"type":"begin","data":{"path":{"text":"src/main.rs"}}}
{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"src/main.rs"},"lines":{"text":"fn main() {\n"},"line_number":6,"absolute_offset":129,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"main"},"start":3,"end":7}]}}
{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"src/main.rs"},"lines":{"text":"    let out = String::from_utf8(Command::new(\"rg\").arg(\"main\").output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap();\n"},"line_number":8,"absolute_offset":186,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"main"},"start":56,"end":60}]}}

    let deserialized: Vec<Type> = out
        .map(|line| serde_json::from_str(line).unwrap())

    Begin {
        path: Text {
        text: "src/main.rs".to_owned()
    Match {
        path: Text {
            text: "src/main.rs".to_owned()
        }, lines: Text {
            text: "fn main() {\n".to_owned()
        }, line_number: Some(6), absolute_offset: 129,
            submatches: vec![SubMatch {
                matched: Text {
                    text: "main".to_owned()
                }, start: 3, end: 7 }]
    Match {
        path: Text {
            text: "src/main.rs".to_owned()
        }, lines: Text {
            text: "    let out = String::from_utf8(Command::new(\"rg\").arg(\"main\").output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap();\n".to_owned()
        }, line_number: Some(8),
            absolute_offset: 186,
            submatches: vec![SubMatch { matched: Text { text: "main".to_owned()
                start: 56,
                end: 60
    End {
        path: Text {
            text: "src/main.rs".to_owned()
        binary_offset: None,
        stats: Stats {
            elapsed: Duration {
                secs: 0,
                nanos: 12208,
                human: "0.000012s".to_owned()
            }, searches: 1,
            searches_with_match: 1,
            bytes_searched: 447,
            bytes_printed: 521,
            matched_lines: 2,
            matches: 2 } },
            Summary {
                    Duration {
                        secs: 0,
            nanos: 2971130,
            human: "0.002971s".to_owned() },
            stats: Stats {
                    Duration {
                        secs: 0,
            nanos: 12208,
            human: "0.000012s".to_owned() },
            searches: 1,
            searches_with_match: 1,
            bytes_searched: 447,
            bytes_printed: 521,
            matched_lines: 2,
            matches: 2 } }]);


~39K SLoC