8 releases

0.2.3 May 22, 2022
0.2.2 Apr 23, 2022
0.2.1 Mar 20, 2022
0.2.0 Jan 25, 2022
0.1.4 Dec 30, 2021

#94 in #smart




Crates.io License


CLI for the Goki Smart Wallet system.


First, make sure you have the Solana CLI tools installed. Follow the instructions here.

Next, install Goki via Cargo like so:

cargo install goki

# Or, if you want to install the latest code:
cargo install --git https://github.com/GokiProtocol/goki-cli --locked

As a Nix Flake

A Cachix build is maintained at the goki repository.

Import Goki by adding the following to your flake.nix:

    # ...
    inputs.goki-cli.url = "github:GokiProtocol/goki-cli";

The Goki CLI is exposed as the defaultPackage and on packages.goki-cli.



Go to any directory and run the following command:

goki init

This will create a .goki directory, which you should add to your .gitignore.

The .goki directory contains keypairs that will contain the SOL you use for program deployment. You may want to back up this folder via an encrypted filestore such as Keybase. You should not be storing any sensitive funds in this wallet-- only use this for program deploys.

Upgrading a Program

To upgrade any existing program on Solana, run goki upload-program-buffer.

Uploads a Solana program buffer.

    goki upload-program-buffer [OPTIONS] --location <LOCATION> --program-id <PROGRAM_ID>

    -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>          Cluster to deploy to. Defaults to devnet. [default: devnet]
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -l, --location <LOCATION>        The path to the Solana program buffer.
    -p, --program-id <PROGRAM_ID>    The program being upgraded. The buffer authority will be the

For example, let's say you wanted to upgrade the Goki Token Signer program on mainnet. You would run the following command:

goki upload-program-buffer --cluster mainnet --location gh:token_signer:GokiProtocol/goki@0.5.2 --program-id NFTUJzSHuUCsMMqMRJpB7PmbsaU7Wm51acdPk2FXMLn

If the command is successful, you should now have a buffer of the Goki Token Signer program at release v0.5.2 deployed somewhere on mainnet, owned by the current upgrade authority of the Goki program. The upgrade authority (ideally a Goki Smart Wallet) would then be able to upgrade their program's bytecode to the contents of that uploaded buffer.

If you don't have enough SOL in your wallet, the command will fail and tell you what key you should be sending SOL to.


There are three formats of location that you may specify:

  • a .so artifact of a GitHub release, for example gh:smart_wallet:GokiProtocol/goki@0.5.2
  • a URL, for example https://github.com/GokiProtocol/goki/releases/download/v0.5.2/smart_wallet.so
  • a file path, for example ./target/deploy/smart_wallet.so.




~1.5M SLoC