1 unstable release

0.0.0 Jan 29, 2021

#83 in #experiment

21 downloads per month



glOOF: an OpenGL implementation experiment


cargo run foo ... will run foo ... with a LD_LIBRARY_PATH containing both libGL.so.1 and libGLX.so.1 symlinked to libgloof.so, so that glOOF can have full control over GLX and OpenGL functions.

cargo run glxgears is known to work enough to be a good demonstration, and has been the sole testcase for glOOF so far.

cargo run --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu wine wglgears.exe should also work, though (assuming you're on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) you'll need:

  • rustup target add i686-unknown-linux-gnu for a 32-bit Rust std
  • a "multilib" C compiler (i.e. which can link -m32 binaries to 32-bit libc)

Warning: other applications that use OpenGL (especially modern ones) will likely use functions not yet exported by libgloof.so, and probably crash while trying to load them (or crash from an unimplemented!(...) panic later, instead).


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