#geo-json #d3

app geojson_d3

Process GeoJSON (Multi)Polygons for use with D3

10 releases

0.2.3 Mar 4, 2020
0.2.1 May 13, 2019
0.1.10 Dec 3, 2018
0.1.8 May 29, 2018

#3 in #d3

MIT license

364 lines

Linux / macOS Build Status Windows Build status Crates Link



d3-geo uses spherical (as opposed to planar) polygons, and expects the rings of input polygons which are smaller than a hemisphere to be oriented in a different order than the GeoJSON RFC 7946 specification, which can lead to unexpected errors. This binary checks the spherical area of RFC 7946-compliant Polygons, converting them to d3-geo-compliant ring orientation if necessary, or vice-versa.


Install it using cargo install geojson_d3, or download a binary and put it on your $PATH.
This provides the geojson_d3 command.


geojson_d3 takes one mandatory argument: a file containing valid GeoJSON. Polygon and / or MultiPolygon geometries can be included as a Feature, or a Geometry, or aFeatureCollection or GeometryCollection. You may mix geometries in a FeatureCollection or GeometryCollection.

You may also pass:

  • -p or --pretty, which will pretty-print the GeoJSON output

  • -s or --stats-only, which will output the number of labelled polygons, but will not output GeoJSON

  • -r or --reverse, which will reverse the functionality, producing geometries with rings wound correctly according to RFC 7946.

  • No assumptions are made concerning the existing winding order of Polygon rings:

    • By default, output will be in d3-geo-compliant winding order
    • If -r or --reverse are specified, output will be in RFC 7946 order
  • Processing of nested GeometryCollections is supported, but you shouldn't be using those

  • Empty geometries or collections will be left unaltered

  • Non-(Multi)Polygon geometries are left unaltered

  • All input properties are preserved


If you aren't piping the output of the command to a file, geojson_d3 will display progress of the parsing and processing steps in the terminal, as well as a final count of the processed (Multi)Polygons.


While the structure of the input GeoJSON is validated, individual geometries are not validated in the DE-9IM sense. If they self-intersect, have open rings etc., results are not guaranteed to be correct.


The included NYC Boroughs file (~69k Points) is processed in ~140 ms on a dual-core 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7.


Pre-built binaries are available from releases. Binaries are available for:

  • macOS (x86_64)
  • Linux (x86_64)
  • Windows (x86_64 and i686)




~221K SLoC