1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 7, 2024

#1288 in Development tools

Custom license

147 lines

gcl -> the new git clone

gcl is the new command for cloning your repositories (public and private). Rising from the rust (pun intended), its fast and reliable.

Table of Contents


For installation simply run

cargo install gcl


For help Text run,

$ gcl help
gcl v1.0
Help Text

syntax: $ gcl [options] username repo <optional-destination-dir> [flags]

  | [Options]
  | help -> show help and exit.
  | version -> show version and exit.

  | [Flags]
  | --priv -> for private repos, add this flag.

NOTE: flags can be placed anywhere in the command. Be sure to follow this sequence -> username, repo, path.

Example usage:

gcl d33pster gcl home/
# this will clone into home/gcl/
gcl d33pster warlock --priv home/
# this will clone into home/warlock/

Private Repositories

For private repositories, You will be needing a GitHub Token (classic).

Steps to get a classic token:

  • Click on you profile pic, go to settings.
  • Go to Developer Settings.
  • Click on Personal Acess Token, select Tokens (Classic).
  • Click on generate new Token and select Tokens (Classic).

When running gcl for the first time with --priv flag, it will ask for a tokens classic. Copy and paste it. This is one time only.


~286K SLoC