#prometheus-metrics #prometheus #github #release

app release-exporter

Retrieves release information and exports related metrics

7 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.1 Nov 23, 2024
0.5.0 Nov 12, 2023
0.4.0 Feb 2, 2023
0.3.1 Jan 1, 2023
0.1.0 Dec 31, 2022

#240 in Web programming


1.5K SLoC


Retrieves release information and exports related metrics.


Currently, only a single core metric upgrades is supported.


The metric upgrades contains information about available upgrades. This information is represented in the labels. The metric value itself will be 1.

The metric is configured with the upgrade_pending_checks configuration key (see Configuration section below).

The following labels will always exist:

  • name: the name given in the upgrade_pending_checks configuration.
  • status with the value being one of unknown, upgrades-available, up-to-date: indicates whether an upgrade is available.

Additionally, all labels of the release provider, referenced in the current current field of the upgrades_pending_checks configuration, will be added.


Provides the release-exporter version as label.


The configuration has to be in YAML format. It uses two main keys:

  • providers (list) to configure a number of release providers that provide information about releases available and in use,
  • upgrade_pending_checks (list) to configure which release versions to compare to determine available upgrades.

An example configuration can be found in sample-conf.yml.


Each provider must have at least the following two keys:

  • name (string): a unique name used to refer to this configured provider,
  • provider (enum): the provider type to fetch releases with.

Each provider type has additional required and optional keys.

A provider returns a set of releases where each release has different labels.

latest_github_release provider

Retrieves the latest release from a Github repository.

Accepts the following configuration keys:

  • repo (string): the repository in the form username/repo.
  • version_regex (string, default ^v?(.*)$): a regular expression to extract the version number from the release tag. Uses the syntax of Rust's regex crate.
  • version_fmt (string, default ${1}): an expression to construct the version from the capture groups of version_regex.
  • api_url (string, default: https://api.github.com): the URL of the Github API.
  • cache_seconds (non-negative integer, default 14400 = 4h): duration for which to cache the release in memory to not run into Github's rate limiting.
prometheus provider

Retrieves versions from a Prometheus metric label.

  • query (string): Prometheus query to retrieve the metric with the version. It may return multiple versions with different labels. All labels, except for one given with label, will be attached to the release.
  • label (string, default: version): the label containing the version information.
  • version_regex (string, default ^v?(.*)$): a regular expression to extract the version number from the version information. Uses the syntax of Rust's regex crate.
  • version_fmt (string, default ${1}): an expression to construct the version from the capture groups of version_regex.
  • api_url (string, default: http://localhost:9090/api): the URL of the Prometheus API.
  • cache_seconds (non-negative integer, default 0): duration for which to cache the release in memory.


Configures the check between release versions to determine available upgrades. These checks are exported as the upgrades metric. Each item accepts the following configuration keys:

  • name (string): name of the check. Will be used as the name label in the upgrades metric.
  • current (string, default: current_{name}_release): must refer to a provider name. That provider is used to determine the current version in use.
  • latest (string, default: latest_{name}_release): must refer to a provider name. That provider is used to deterimne the latest available version.

Note the handling of labels:

  • All labels obtained from the current provider will be replicated in the output metric.
  • Each release provided by current will be attempted to match with a release provided by latest. To be considered matching, all labels of the latest release must be present and have the same value as in the current release.


Usage: release-exporter [OPTIONS] --config.file <CONFIG>

      --config.file <CONFIG>
          Configuration file to load
      --http.timout <HTTP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>
          Timeout for HTTP requests (seconds) [default: 10]
      --web.listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
          Address on which to expose metrics [default: localhost:31343]
  -h, --help
          Print help information
  -V, --version
          Print version information


~525K SLoC