#log-level #log #logging #file-path #initialization #logged #name


A simple logger that doesn't need initialization. This crate gives logged time, log level, file path, module path, and function name.

2 releases

0.1.1 Oct 26, 2021
0.1.0 Oct 15, 2021

#697 in Debugging

MIT license

150 lines


Simple logger for rust. This logger provide detailed debug information(logged time, log level, file path, ilne number, module path and function name) of project without initialization.


use galacta_logger::{self,GalactaLogger,LevelFilter,prelude::*};
/// First initialize logger.
/// You may set "G_LOG_LEVEL" environment variable
/// If environment variable is set, argument of init function will be ignored

/// These are logs with specified target(unrecommended)
error!("This is errror");
warn!(target: "target","This is warning");
info!("This is info");
debug!("This is debug");
trace!("This is trace");

/// These are logs without specified target or initializations(recommended)
gerror!("This is errror");
gwarn!("This is warning");
ginfo!("This is info");
gdebug!("This is debug");
gtrace!("This is trace");

Output sample

[2021-10-26 20:38:03] [TRACE] galacta_logger::tests::test_gdebug
This is gtrace
galacta_logger::tests (src/lib.rs:229)


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