35 releases (15 stable)
1.2.6 | Dec 19, 2023 |
1.2.4 | Nov 28, 2023 |
0.4.3 | Oct 22, 2023 |
#376 in Parser tooling
Used in onefig
An extremely flexible lexer/parser (get it?) for writing your own programming language
The following examples are implementations of each of the aspects of this library; all working together to create a simple math interpreter with support for varibles.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use flexar::prelude::*;
Compiler Errors
flexar::compiler_error! {
[[Define] Errors]
(E001) "unexpected character": "character `", "` is unexpected";
(E002) "string not closed": "expected `\"` to close string";
(E003) "expected number": "expected number, found `", "`.";
(E004) "expected an expr": "expected expr, found `", "`.";
(E005) "expected `+` or `-` in binary operation": "expected `+` or `-`, found `", "`.";
(E006) "unexpected token": "unexpected token `", "`.";
(E007) "unclosed parentheses": "expected `)` to close parentheses";
(E008) "expected identifier in `let` statement": "expected ident, found `", "`.";
(E009) "expected `=` in `let` statement": "expected `=`, found `", "`.";
(E010) "expected one of `;`, `+`, `-`, `/` or `*`.": "expected `;` or operation, found `", "`.";
(RT001) "non-existant varible": "varible `", "` doesn't exist";
flexar::lexer! {
[[Token] lext, current, 'cycle]
else flexar::compiler_error!((E001, lext.position()) current).throw();
token_types {
LParen => "(";
RParen => ")";
Int(val: u32) => val;
Float(val: f32) => val;
Plus => "+";
Minus => "-";
Mul => "*";
Div => "/";
Let => "let";
EQ => "=";
Semi => ";";
Ident(val: String) => val;
Plus: +;
LParen: '(';
RParen: ')';
Minus: '-';
Mul: *;
EQ: =;
Semi: ;;
[" \n\t"] >> ({ lext.advance(); lext = lext.spawn(); continue 'cycle; });
/ child {
advance: current;
ck (current, /) {
rsome current {
{ if current == '\n' { lext = child; continue 'cycle } };
done Div();
["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"] child {
set ident { String::new() };
rsome (current, 'ident) {
set matched false;
ck (current, ["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-0123456789"]) {
mut matched true;
{ ident.push(current) };
{ if !matched { break 'ident } };
if (ident == "let") { done Let(); };
done Ident(ident);
["0123456789"] child {
set number { String::new() };
set dot false;
rsome (current, 'number) {
set matched false;
ck (current, ["0123456789"]) {
mut matched true;
{ number.push(current) };
ck (current, '.') {
if (dot) {
done Float(number.parse().unwrap());
mut matched true;
mut dot true;
{ number.push(current) };
{if !matched {break 'number}};
if (dot) { done Float(number.parse().unwrap()); };
done Int(number.parse().unwrap());
Parser and nodes
pub enum Stmt {
Let(String, Node<Expr>),
pub enum Expr {
Plus(Node<Factor>, Box<Node<Expr>>),
Minus(Node<Factor>, Box<Node<Expr>>),
pub enum Factor {
Mul(Node<Number>, Box<Node<Factor>>),
Div(Node<Number>, Box<Node<Factor>>),
pub enum Number {
pub enum ProgramFile {
flexar::parser! {
[[Number] parxt: Token]
parse {
(Ident(x)) => (Get(x.clone()));
(Plus), [number: Number::parse] => [number];
(Minus), [number: Number::parse] => (Neg(Box::new(number)));
(Int(x)) => (Int(*x));
(Float(x)) => (Float(*x));
(LParen) => {
[expr: Expr::parse] => {
(RParen) => (Expr(Box::new(expr)));
} (else Err(E007))
} else Err(E003:parxt.current_token());
flexar::parser! {
[[Factor] parxt: Token]
parse {
[left: Number::parse] => {
(Mul), [right: Factor::parse] => (Mul(left, Box::new(right)));
(Div), [right: Factor::parse] => (Div(left, Box::new(right)));
} (else Ok(Factor::Number(left)))
} else Other(Number Number::parse(parxt));
flexar::parser! {
[[Expr] parxt: Token]
parse {
[left: Factor::parse] => {
(Plus), [right: Expr::parse] => (Plus(left, Box::new(right)));
(Minus), [right: Expr::parse] => (Minus(left, Box::new(right)));
} (else Ok(Expr::Factor(left)))
} else Err(E004:parxt.current_token());
flexar::parser! {
[[Stmt] parxt: Token]
parse {
[expr: Expr::parse] => (Expr(expr));
(Let) => {
(Ident(ident)) => {
(EQ), [expr: Expr::parse] => (Let(ident.clone(), expr));
} (else Err(E009:parxt.current_token()))
} (else Err(E008:parxt.current_token()))
} else Err(E006:parxt.current_token());
flexar::parser! {
[[ProgramFile] parxt: Token]
single {
[stmt: Stmt::parse] => {
(Semi) => (Single(stmt));
} (else Err(E010:parxt.current_token()))
} else Err(E006:parxt.current_token());
impl ProgramFile {
pub fn parse(tokens: &[token_node::Token<Token>]) -> Option<Self> {
if tokens.len() == 0 { return None }
let mut parxt = Parxt::new(tokens);
let mut stmts = Vec::new();
while parxt.current().is_some() {
match Self::single(&mut parxt) {
Ok(Node { node: Self::Single(x), .. }) => stmts.push(x),
Err((_, x)) => x.throw(),
_ => panic!("not possible"),
pub struct VisitCtx(HashMap<String, f32>, Position);
pub trait Visit {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32;
impl ProgramFile {
pub fn visit(&self) {
if let Self::Program(stmts) = self {
let mut visit_ctx = VisitCtx(HashMap::new(), stmts[0].position.clone());
.for_each(|x| {x.visit(&mut visit_ctx);});
impl<N: Visit + std::fmt::Debug> Visit for Node<N> {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32 {
visit_ctx.1 = self.position.clone();
impl Visit for Number {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32 {
use Number as N;
match self {
N::Int(x) => *x as f32,
N::Neg(x) => -x.visit(visit_ctx),
N::Float(x) => *x,
N::Get(x) => *visit_ctx.0.get(x).unwrap_or_else(||
compiler_error!((RT001, visit_ctx.1.clone()) x).throw()
N::Expr(x) => x.visit(visit_ctx)
impl Visit for Factor {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32 {
use Factor as F;
match self {
F::Mul(a, b) => a.visit(visit_ctx) * b.visit(visit_ctx),
F::Div(a, b) => a.visit(visit_ctx) / b.visit(visit_ctx),
F::Number(x) => x.visit(visit_ctx),
impl Visit for Expr {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32 {
use Expr as E;
match self {
E::Factor(x) => x.visit(visit_ctx),
E::Plus(a, b) => a.visit(visit_ctx) + b.visit(visit_ctx),
E::Minus(a, b) => a.visit(visit_ctx) - b.visit(visit_ctx),
impl Visit for Stmt {
fn visit(&self, visit_ctx: &mut VisitCtx) -> f32 {
use Stmt as S;
match self {
S::Expr(x) => println!("{}", x.visit(visit_ctx)),
S::Let(key, x) => {
let value = x.visit(visit_ctx);
visit_ctx.0.insert(key.clone(), value);
0f32 // means nothing
Example main function to run the language
fn main() {
let contents = fs::read_to_string("example.fx").unwrap();
// Lexer
let first_time = Instant::now();
let tokens = Token::tokenize(Lext::new("example.fx".into(), &contents));
print_time("Tokenising completed in", first_time);
println!("{:?}", tokens.iter().map(|x| &x.token_type).collect::<Box<[&Token]>>());
// Parser
let time = Instant::now();
let node = ProgramFile::parse(&tokens);
print_time("Parsing completed in", time);
let node = match node {
Some(x) => x,
None => return,
// Interpreter
let time = Instant::now();
println!("\n\x1b[34m=== Program output ===\x1b[0m");
println!("\x1b[34m=== Program output ===\x1b[0m\n");
print_time("Interpreting completed in", time);
print_time("Full program finished in", time);
fn print_time(str: &str, time: Instant) {
println!("\x1b[32m{str}: \x1b[33m{}s\x1b[0m", time.elapsed().as_secs_f64());