#chess-board #fen #notation #string-parser #position #struct #coordinates


A rust library for parsing and handling FEN and algebraic chess notations

2 releases

0.1.1 Jan 13, 2024
0.1.0 Jan 13, 2024

#924 in Math


573 lines

Fenx Chess Library (Unfinished)

Fenx is a Rust library for handling chess game logic. It provides support for parsing Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) strings, handling chess moves in algebraic notation, and more.


Fen Module

The Fen module provides the Fen struct for representing a chess position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN).

Fen Struct

  • Constructor: Fen::new(board: &str) -> Fen

    • Creates a new Fen struct from a given board position string.
  • Parser: Fen::parse_fen(fen_str: &str) -> Result<Fen, &'static str>

    • Parses a FEN string into a Fen struct.
  • Debug Printing: Fen::debug()

    • Prints the values inside the Fen struct for debugging purposes.
  • Board Printing: Fen::print_to_board()

    • Prints the chess board to the console.
  • Board Conversion: Fen::boardify() -> String

    • Converts the Fen struct into a string representation of a chess board.

Coordinates Module

The Coordinates module provides the Coordinates struct for representing a position on the chess board.

Coordinates Struct

  • Constructor: Coordinates { x: i8, y: i8 }

    • Creates a new Coordinates struct with given x and y values.
  • From Notation: Coordinates::from_notation(notation: Notation) -> Result<Coordinates, &'static str>

    • Converts a Notation struct into a Coordinates struct.
  • To Notation: Coordinates::to_notation(&self) -> Result<Notation, &'static str>

    • Converts the Coordinates struct into a Notation struct.

Notation Module

The Notation module provides the Notation struct for representing a chess move in algebraic notation.

Notation Struct

  • Constructor: Notation::new(file: char, rank: char) -> Option<Notation>

    • Creates a new Notation struct with given file and rank values.
  • From Coordinates: Notation::from_coordinates(coordinates: Coordinates) -> Result<Notation, &'static str>

    • Converts a Coordinates struct into a Notation struct.
  • To Coordinates: Notation::to_coordinates(&self) -> Result<Coordinates, &'static str>

    • Converts the Notation struct into a Coordinates struct.


Contributions to Fenix are welcome! Please ensure your code is formatted with cargo fmt before creating a pull request.

No runtime deps