
no-std ext-ops

General purpose arithmetic operator traits which are missing from the standard library

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 1, 2023

#1728 in Math

Used in vectorial

MPL-2.0 license

647 lines


Copyright (c) 2023 Martin Mills [daggerbot@gmail.com]

License: MPL 2.0

General purpose arithmetic operator traits for Rust which are missing from the standard library. The name ext-ops is short for "extension operators."

This crate is intended to address shortcomings in parts of the num-traits crate:

  • The Try* traits provided by ext-ops return a Result instead of an Option, so arithmetic errors can be propagated with the ? operator.
  • ext-ops traits do not require operands to be references. This allows for optimizations that may not be possible using num-traits, such as consuming a BigInt operand instead of constructing a new one.
  • ext-ops traits do not have trait constraints. For example, TryAdd can be implemented for a type that does not implement Add.

At the time of writing, some expected traits may not be implemented for some types or even defined at all. This is because it has not yet been decided which of multiple possible behaviors is best. Feel free to open an issue if something you desire is missing.

No runtime deps
