Cargo Features

esp-hal = { version = "0.19.0", default-features = false, features = ["riscv", "xtensa", "bluetooth", "usb-otg", "debug", "log", "place-spi-driver-in-ram", "esp32", "esp32c2", "esp32c3", "esp32c6", "esp32h2", "esp32s2", "esp32s3", "flip-link", "async", "defmt", "embedded-hal", "embedded-hal-02", "embedded-io", "ufmt", "psram-2m", "psram-4m", "psram-8m", "psram-80mhz", "opsram-2m", "opsram-4m", "opsram-8m", "opsram-16m", "ci"] }
default = embedded-hal

The embedded-hal feature is set by default whenever esp-hal is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

riscv esp32c2? esp32c3? esp32c6? esp32h2?

Enables riscv, restore-state-u8 of critical-section

xtensa esp32? esp32s2? esp32s3?

Enables xtensa-lx, restore-state-u32 of critical-section

usb-otg esp32s2? esp32s3? = esp-synopsys-usb-otg, usb-device

Enable debug features in the HAL (used for development).

Enables impl-register-debug of optional esp32, optional esp32c2, optional esp32c3, optional esp32c6, optional esp32h2, optional esp32s2, and optional esp32s3


Each supported device MUST have its PAC included below along with a corresponding feature.


Enable logging output using the log crate.

Enables log


Configuration for placing device drivers in the IRAM for faster access.

esp32 = xtensa

Chip Support Feature Flags
Target the ESP32.

Enables esp32, spin of xtensa-lx, esp32 of xtensa-lx-rt

esp32c2 = riscv

Target the ESP32-C2.

Enables esp32c2, unsafe-assume-single-core of portable-atomic

esp32c3 = riscv

Target the ESP32-C3.

Enables esp32c3, rtc-ram of esp-riscv-rt, unsafe-assume-single-core of portable-atomic

esp32c6 = riscv

Target the ESP32-C6.

Enables esp32c6, rtc-ram of esp-riscv-rt, has-lp-core of esp-hal-procmacros

esp32h2 = riscv

Target the ESP32-H2.

Enables esp32h2, rtc-ram of esp-riscv-rt

esp32s2 = usb-otg, xtensa

Target the ESP32-S2.

Enables esp32s2, critical-section of portable-atomic, has-ulp-core of esp-hal-procmacros, esp32s2 of xtensa-lx-rt

esp32s3 = usb-otg, xtensa

Target the ESP32-S3.

Enables esp32s3, has-ulp-core of esp-hal-procmacros, spin of xtensa-lx, esp32s3 of xtensa-lx-rt

### RISC-V Exclusive Feature Flags
Move the stack to start of RAM to get zero-cost stack overflow protection (ESP32-C6 and ESPS32-H2 only!).

Enables fix-sp of esp-riscv-rt

async ci? = embassy-futures, embassy-sync, embassy-usb-driver, embassy-usb-synopsys-otg, embedded-hal, embedded-hal-async, embedded-io, embedded-io-async

Trait Implementation Feature Flags

Enable support for asynchronous operation, with interfaces provided by embedded-hal-async and embedded-io-async. Also enables embassy-usb support for ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3.

Affects dma::RxPrivate.waker, dma::RxChannel.waker, dma::TxPrivate.waker, dma::TxChannel.waker, i2s::asynch, otg_fs::asynch, parl_io::asynch, rmt::TxChannelCreatorAsync, rmt::RxChannelCreatorAsync, rmt::asynch, twai::Instance.async_handler, twai::OperationInstance.async_state


Implement defmt::Format on certain types.

Enables defmt, defmt of optional embassy-futures and optional embassy-sync, defmt-03 of embedded-io, optional embedded-hal, and optional embedded-io-async, defmt of optional esp32, optional esp32c2, optional esp32c3, optional esp32c6, optional esp32h2, optional esp32s2, and optional esp32s3

embedded-hal default async?

Implement the traits defined in the 1.0.0 releases of embedded-hal and embedded-hal-nb for the relevant peripherals.

Enables embedded-can, embedded-hal, and embedded-hal-nb

embedded-hal-02 ci?

Implement the traits defined in the 0.2.x release of embedded-hal.

Enables embedded-hal ^0.2.7

embedded-io async? ci? defmt?

Implement the traits defined in embedded-io for certain peripherals.

Enables embedded-io

ufmt ci?

Implement the ufmt_write::uWrite trait for certain peripherals.

Enables ufmt-write


### PSRAM Feature Flags
Use externally connected PSRAM (2MB).

Affects psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram


Use externally connected PSRAM (4MB).

Affects psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram


Use externally connected PSRAM (8MB).

Affects psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram, psram::init_psram


PSRAM 80Mhz frequency support


### Octal RAM Feature Flags
Use externally connected Octal RAM (2MB).

Affects psram::init_psram


Use externally connected Octal RAM (4MB).

Affects psram::init_psram


Use externally connected Octal RAM (8MB).

Affects psram::init_psram


Use externally connected Octal RAM (16MB).

Affects psram::init_psram

ci = async, embedded-hal-02, embedded-io, ufmt

This feature is intended for testing; you probably don't want to enable it:

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

embassy-futures async?
embassy-sync async?
embassy-usb-driver async?
embassy-usb-synopsys-otg async?
embedded-hal-async async?
embedded-io-async async?
esp-synopsys-usb-otg usb-otg?
usb-device usb-otg?