#ray-tracing #embree #ray #tracing #bvh #simd #graphics

sys embree3-sys

FFI bindings for Intel's Embree high-performance ray tracing library

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 11, 2021

#5 in #embree

MIT license

70 lines

Crate API Build Status


Rust FFI bindings for Intel's Embree high-performance ray tracing library.

Bindings are automatically generated at build time using bindgen. Unlike the embree and embree-rs crates, embree3-sys's generated bindings will pick up your current Embree installation's configuration (so, for example, RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT will be set correctly if you have enabled multi-level instancing).

Currently, an existing Embree installation is required. See Embree's GitHub page for installation instructions.

No runtime deps

~34K SLoC