#image #ecr #registry #deletion #command-line #delete #command-line-tool

app dyson

A CLI tool to destroy staled ECR images which are not used by applications

3 unstable releases

0.2.0 May 19, 2023
0.1.1 May 12, 2023
0.1.0 May 12, 2023

#4 in #ecr

33 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


dyson is a command-line tool that helps you delete unused ECR images from your registry. It provides several commands to manage the deletion process.


To use dyson, you need to have Rust and Cargo installed. If you don't have them installed, you can follow the official Rust installation guide at https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install.

Once you have Rust and Cargo installed, you can install dyson by running the following command:

cargo install dyson

Or, you can download the latest release from the GitHub releases page.




  • init: Generate a configuration file
  • plan: Make a deletion plan according to the config
  • apply: Delete ECR images according to the config
  • help: Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


  • -c, --config <FILE>: Path to the configuration file. Default: dyson.yaml


Dyson requires a configuration file that specifies the rules for identifying unused images. By default, the configuration file is named dyson.yaml.

You can customize the configuration file to fit your specific needs. The configuration file uses YAML format and should contain the following information:

  name: my-registry
  profile_name: profile1
    - exclude/*
    - pattern: '*'
      days_after: 30
        - latest

  - name: scan-target
    profile_name: profile2

    webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxx/yyy/zzz
    username: dyson-bot
    channel: random

Registry Configuration

The registry section defines the settings for your ECR registry:

  • name (optional): The name of your ECR registry.
  • profile_name: The AWS profile name to use for authentication when accessing the registry.
  • excludes (optional): A list of repository patterns to exclude from the deletion process. Wildcards (*) are supported.
  • filters (optional): A list of filters images based on their last push date and tags.
    • pattern: The repository pattern to match. Wildcards (*) are supported.
    • days_after (optional): The number of days after pushed which an image is considered target for deletion.
    • ignore_tag_patterns (optional): A list of tag patterns to ignore from target for deletion. Wildcards (*) are supported.

Scans Configuration

In the scan process, dyson will scan the accounts for images that are used by

  • Lambda functions
  • ECS Services
  • ECS Task Definitions(currently latest two revisions are considered as used)

The scans section defines the scans target accounts.

  • name (optional): The name of the scan.
  • profile_name: The AWS profile name to use for authentication when accessing the account.

You can define multiple scans in the scans section if needed.

Notifier Configuration

Dyson provide a simple notification mechanism to notify the result. Currently, only Slack is supported.

  • webhook_url: The Slack webhook URL to which the notifications will be sent.
  • username (optional): The username to display for the notification.
  • channel (optional): The Slack channel or user ID to which the notifications will be sent.


~776K SLoC