#dict #cc #translation #querying #offline #reading #api

bin+lib dictcc

Rust API for reading and querying the dict.cc offline translation database

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 Feb 12, 2018
0.1.0 Feb 12, 2018
0.0.0 Dec 14, 2017

#1146 in Text processing

GPL-3.0 license

1.5K SLoC


Crates.io dictcc Build Status Build status

Rust API for reading and querying the dict.cc offline translation database.

Download dict.cc translation database

Due to licensing requirements of dict.cc, we are not allowed to provide the database as part of the crate.

You need to request a download link on dict.cc.


Install using cargo:

cargo install --features=cli dictcc

or download precompiled binaries.

Run dictcc --help for further usage information.

API Example usage

extern crate dictcc;

use dictcc::Dict;

fn main() {
    let dict = Dict::create("test/database/test_database.txt").unwrap();

    let query_result = dict.query("Wort").execute().unwrap();

    for entry in query_result.entries() {
        println!("Plain word: {}", entry.left_word.plain_word());
        println!("The word with optional parts: {}", entry.left_word.word_with_optional_parts());
        println!("Acronyms: {:?}", entry.left_word.acronyms());
        println!("Comments: {:?}", entry.left_word.comments());
        println!("Gender Tags: {:?}", entry.left_word.genders());

    // Pretty table printing
    println!("{}", query_result.into_grouped());


~205K SLoC