#transformer #reinforcement-learning #decision #sequence #extensible #paper

nightly decision_transformer_dfdx

A fast, extensible implementation of Decision Transformers in Rust using dfdx. Based on the paper Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling.

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Jan 1, 2025

#430 in Machine learning

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Decision Transformers in Rust

A fast, extensible implementation of Decision Transformers in Rust using dfdx. Based on the paper Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling.


This crate provides a framework for implementing Decision Transformers in Rust. Decision Transformers frame reinforcement learning as a sequence prediction problem, allowing for more efficient learning from demonstration data. This implementation is built on top of dfdx for efficient tensor operations and automatic differentiation.


cargo add decision-transformer-dfdx

Quick Start

To implement a Decision Transformer for your own environment:

  1. Define your configuration by implementing DTModelConfig
  2. Define your environment's state representation
  3. Define your action space (as an enum or similar)
  4. Implement the DTState trait for your environment (required)
  5. Implement GetOfflineData if you want to train from demonstrations
  6. Implement HumanEvaluatable if you want to visualize/evaluate the environment
  7. Create a training loop:
    • Initialize model and optimizer
    • Collect training data (offline or online)
    • Train model
    • Evaluate performance

For a complete working example, check out the Snake Game Implementation.

Core Concepts


The framework is built around three main traits:

  1. DTState: The core trait that defines your environment. Required for basic functionality.
pub trait DTState<E: Dtype, D: Device<E>, Config: DTModelConfig> {
    type Action: Clone;
    const STATE_SIZE: usize;    // Total number of floats needed to represent the state
    const ACTION_SIZE: usize;   // Total number of possible actions

    // Required methods
    fn new_random<R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(rng: &mut R) -> Self;
    fn apply_action(&mut self, action: Self::Action);
    fn get_reward(&self, action: Self::Action) -> f32;
    fn to_tensor(&self) -> Tensor<(Const<{ Self::STATE_SIZE }>,), E, D>;
    fn action_to_index(action: &Self::Action) -> usize;
    fn index_to_action(action: usize) -> Self::Action;

    // Provided method
    fn action_to_tensor(action: &Self::Action) -> Tensor<(Const<{ Self::ACTION_SIZE }>,), E, D>;
    fn build_model() -> DTModelWrapper<E, D, Config, Self>;
  1. GetOfflineData: For training from demonstration data.
pub trait GetOfflineData<E: Dtype, D: Device<E>, Config: DTModelConfig>: DTState<E, D, Config> {
    // Required method
    fn play_one_game<R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(rng: &mut R) -> (Vec<Self>, Vec<Self::Action>);

    // Provided method
    fn get_batch<const B: usize, R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(
        rng: &mut R,
        cap_from_game: Option<usize>
    ) -> (BatchedInput<B, { Self::STATE_SIZE }, { Self::ACTION_SIZE }, E, D, Config>, [Self::Action; B]);
  1. HumanEvaluatable: For environments that can be visualized or evaluated by humans.
pub trait HumanEvaluatable<E: Dtype, D: Device<E>, Config: DTModelConfig>: DTState<E, D, Config> {
    // All methods required
    fn print(&self);                               // Print the current state
    fn print_action(action: &Self::Action);        // Print a given action
    fn is_still_playing(&self) -> bool;            // Check if episode is ongoing


The DTModelConfig trait allows you to configure the transformer architecture:

pub trait DTModelConfig {
    const NUM_ATTENTION_HEADS: usize;  // Number of attention heads
    const HIDDEN_SIZE: usize;          // Size of hidden layers
    const MLP_INNER: usize;            // Size of inner MLP layer (typically 4*HIDDEN_SIZE)
    const SEQ_LEN: usize;              // Length of sequence to consider
    const MAX_EPISODES_IN_GAME: usize; // Maximum episodes in a game
    const NUM_LAYERS: usize;           // Number of transformer layers

Training Approaches

Offline Learning

Train your model using pre-collected demonstration data:

let mut model = MyEnvironment::build_model();
let mut optimizer = Adam::new(&model.0, config);

// Get a batch of demonstration data
let (batch, actions) = MyEnvironment::get_batch::<1024, _>(&mut rng, Some(256));

// Train on the batch
let loss = model.train_on_batch(batch.clone(), actions, &mut optimizer);

Online Learning

Train your model through self-play:

let temp = 0.5;  // Temperature for exploration
let desired_reward = 5.0;  // Target reward

// Train through self-play
let loss = model.online_learn::<100, _>(
    &mut optimizer, 
    &mut rng,
    Some(256)  // Optional cap on episodes per game

Snake Game Example

The repository includes a complete example implementing a snake game environment using the Decision Transformer framework. This serves as a reference implementation showing how to:

  • Define your environment state and actions
  • Implement the required traits
  • Configure the model
  • Train using both offline and online approaches
  • Evaluate the trained model

Check out the snake game implementation for a complete working example.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


~104K SLoC