#vector #unit #computer-vision #normals


Compressed unit vectors that can be used to store things like normal vectors efficiently

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 20, 2023

#804 in Math

MIT license

111 lines

Compressed Unit Vectors

A Rust library for compressed unit vectors. It is a simple Rust port of some C/C++ code by someone else.

It can be used to efficiently store and transfer things like normal vectors used in computer graphics. You can use it lower the memory footsprint or reduce the size of files on disk. Intead of three 32 bit floats you can represent the unit vector with a single 16 bit unsigned integer.

The compression itself is lossy, so most input values will be mapped to something slighty different when being unpacked. For many use cases this loss is acceptable. Please make sure this applies to your case as well.

Getting Started

The library provides low level functions to pack and unpack the values and a high level "rustified" interface.

The low level interface requires manual creation of a lookup-table:

let lut = cuv::create_lut();
let packed: u16 = cuv::pack(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let unpacked = cuv::unpack(packed, &lut);
assert_eq!(unpacked, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

The high level interface will take care of the lookup-table for you and is a bit more convinient to use:

use cuv::CompUnitVec;

let input = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
let packed = CompUnitVec::from_slice(&input);
let unpacked = packed.get();
assert_eq!(unpacked, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

Original Source

The original C/C++ code comes from Rafael Baptista who published this idea first in some long lost article. The code was described as "unit vector to 16-bit word conversion algorithm". In 2013 Rafael published the code again on his blog at https://oroboro.com/compressed-unit-vectors/.

