#password-generator #password #generator #cli #pronounceable #library #markov-chain

bin+lib cryptirust

A flexible password generator that creates pronounceable passwords with adjustable entropy and custom patterns

3 releases (1 stable)

new 1.0.0 Oct 10, 2024
0.2.0 Oct 9, 2024
0.1.0 Oct 9, 2024

#542 in Cryptography

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94 downloads per month

MIT license

278 lines


Crates.io MIT licensed Build Status API Docs

Cryptirust is a flexible and efficient Rust library for generating customizable, pronounceable passwords with entropy calculation. It leverages a Markov chain-based approach through its core Generator struct, allowing you to construct secure passphrases and word-based passwords from predefined or user-defined token lists.

Designed to balance security, usability, and flexibility, Cryptirust offers fine-grained control over the structure and randomness of passwords. Whether you're creating simple, memorable passphrases or complex high-entropy passwords, Cryptirust provides an intuitive API to meet a range of password generation needs.

Key Features

  • Pronounceable Passwords: Create easy-to-pronounce, memorable passwords using phonetic patterns.
  • Entropy Calculation: Automatically calculates and returns the entropy of each generated password, helping you gauge its strength.
  • Custom Token Support: Define custom token sets and adjust the depth of the Markov chain model for even greater control over password structure.
  • Pattern Flexibility: Generate passphrases, pseudo-words, and custom patterns that can include symbols, numbers, and more.

Quick start

1. Generate a Password from a Custom Pattern

Use a pattern string to create complex passwords:

  • c: Lowercase token.
  • C: Uppercase token.
  • w: Lowercase word.
  • W: Uppercase word.
  • s: Symbol.
  • d: Digit.
  • \: Escape next character.
use cryptirust::Generator;

fn main() {
    let mut generator = Generator::new();
    let (password, entropy) = generator.gen_from_pattern("cccsd");
    println!("Generated password: {}", password);
    println!("Entropy: {:.2} bits", entropy);

2. Generate a Passphrase with Custom Depth

use cryptirust::*;

fn main() {
    let mut generator = Generator::new_custom(word_list::eff::list(), 2);
    let (passphrase, entropy) = generator.gen_from_pattern("w.w.w.w");;
    println!("Generated passphrase: {}", passphrase);
    println!("Entropy: {:.2} bits", entropy);

Command Line Interface is included with the library

This CLI allows users to specify a pattern for the generated passphrases, the number of passphrases to generate and the depth of the markov model.


To run the CLI, first cargo install cryptirust, then use the following command:

cryptirust [PATTERN] [NUM] [DEPTH]
  • PATTERN: A string representing the desired structure of the generated passphrases, default is w-c-s-d (i.e. word-token-symbol-digit).
  • NUM: The number of passphrases to generate. Must be a positive integer. Default is 5.
  • DEPTH: The depth of the markov model. Must be a positive integer. Default is 3.


Generate five passphrases with the default pattern:


       n.     log2(guesses)     secret
        1              29.83    stingly-rak-+-5
        2              34.93    attinge-roy-+-5
        3              26.01    whomever-sta-"-3
        4              31.29    laddering-gre-^-5
        5              30.09    renditzy-sha-%-5

Generate six passphrases with a custom pattern "w.w.w" and a custom depth 2:

cryptirust w.w.w 6 2
       n.     log2(guesses)     secret
        1              57.60    gontex.atiness.unteet
        2              67.70    casuperl.cacharne.aneyway
        3              60.03    choomeg.deflanth.nessagre
        4              53.64    vishelaw.gedity.wildness
        5              58.19    dulays.frishea.queure
        6              56.36    partifie.deligeom.refullyi


Cryptirust is licensed under the MIT License.


~37K SLoC