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#605 in Cryptography

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Communicate with authenticated peers over encrypted connections.


commonware-p2p is ALPHA software and is not yet recommended for production use. Developers should expect breaking changes and occasional instability.


Communicate with authenticated peers over encrypted connections.

commonware-p2p provides encrypted, multiplexed communication between fully-connected peers identified by a developer-specified cryptographic identity (i.e. BLS, ed25519, etc.). Unlike most p2p crates, commonware-p2p implements its own encrypted transport layer (no TLS) that exclusively uses said cryptographic identities to authenticate incoming connections (dropping any that aren't explicitly authorized). Peer discovery occurs automatically using ordered bit vectors (sorted by authorized cryptographic identities) to efficiently communicate knowledge of dialable peers.


commonware-p2p is ALPHA software and is not yet recommended for production use. Developers should expect breaking changes and occasional instability.


  • Simple Handshakes (No TLS, No X.509 Certificates, No Protocol Negotiation)
  • ChaCha20-Poly1305 Stream Encryption
  • Configurable Cryptography Scheme for Peer Identities (BLS, ed25519, etc.)
  • Automatic Peer Discovery Using Bit Vectors (Used as Ping/Pongs)
  • Multiplexing With Configurable Rate Limiting Per Channel and Send Prioritization
  • Optional Message Compression (using zstd)
  • Emebdded Message Chunking



When establishing a connection with a peer, a simple handshake is performed between peers to authenticate each other and to establish a shared secret for connection encryption (explained below). This simple handshake is done in lieu of using TLS, Noise, WireGuard, etc. because it supports the usage of arbitrary cryptographic schemes, there is no protocol negotation (only one way to connect), and because it only takes a few hundred lines of code to implement (not having any features is a feature in safety-critical code).

In any handshake, the dialer is the party that attempts to connect to some known address/identity (public key) and the recipient of this connection is the dialee. Upon forming a TCP connection, the dialer sends a signed handshake message to the dialee.

message Handshake {
    bytes recipient_public_key = 1;
    bytes ephemeral_public_key = 2;
    uint64 timestamp = 3;
    Signature signature = 4;

The dialee verifies the public keys are well-formatted, the timestamp is valid (not too old/not too far in the future), and that the signature is valid. If all these checks pass, the dialee checks to see if it is already connected or dialing this peer. If it is, it drops the connection. If it isn't, it sends back its own signed handshake message (same as above) and considers the connection established.

Upon receiving the dialee's handshake message, the dialer verifies the same data as the dialee and additionally verifies that the public key returned matches what they expected at the address. If all these checks pass, the dialer considers the connection established. If not, the dialer drops the connection (the dialee will eventually drop the connection after some timeout).


During the handshake (described above), a shared x25519 secret is established using a Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. This x25519 secret is then used to create a ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher for encrypting all messages exchanged between any two peers (including peer discovery messages).

ChaCha20-Poly1305 nonces (12 bytes) are constructed such that the first bit indicates whether the sender is a dialer (1) or dialee (0). The rest of the first byte (next 7 bits) and next byte (all 8 bits) are unused (set to 0). The next 2 bytes are a u16 iterator and the final 8 bytes are a u64 sequence number. When the sequence reaches u64::MAX, the iterator is incremented and the sequence is reset to 0. This technique provides each sender with a channel duration of 2^80 frames (and automatically terminates when this number of frames has been sent). In the blockchain context, validators often maintain long-lived connections with each other and avoiding connection re-establishment (to reset iterator/sequence with a new cipher) is desirable.

| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 |11 |
| D | U |It(u16)|         Sequence(u64)         |

D = Dialer/Dialee, U = Unused, It = Iterator

We use a combination of u64 (sequence) and u16 (iterator) instead of implementing u80/u88 because CPUs provide native support for u64 operations (which will always be faster than an implementation of a "wrapping add" over arbitrary bytes). With this technique, almost all operations (other than iterator increments every 2^64 frames) are just a basic u64 increment.

This simple coordination prevents nonce reuse (which would allow for messages to be decrypted) and saves a small amount of bandwidth (no need to send the nonce alongside the encrypted message). This "pedantic" construction of the nonce also avoids accidentally reusing a nonce over long-lived connections when setting it to be a small hash (as in XChaCha-Poly1305).


Peer discovery relies heavily on the assumption that all peers are known at each index (a user-provided tuple of (u64, Vec<PublicKey>)). Using this assumption, we can construct a sorted bit vector that represents our knowledge of peer IPs (where 1 == we know, 0 == we don't know). This means we can represent our knowledge of 1000 peers in only 125 bytes!

Because this representation is so efficient/small, peers send bit vectors to each other periodically as a "ping" to keep the connection alive. Because it may be useful to be connected to multiple indexes of peers at a given time (i.e. to perform a DKG with a new set of peers), it is possible to configure this crate to maintain connections to multiple indexes (and pings are a random index we are trying to connect to).

message BitVec {
    uint64 index = 1;
    bytes bits = 2;

Upon receiving a bit vector, a peer will select a random collection of peers (under a configured max) that it knows about that the sender does not. If the sender knows about all peers that we know about, the receiver does nothing (and relies on its bit vector to serve as a pong to keep the connection alive).

message Peers {
    repeated Peer peers = 1;

If a peer learns about an updated address for a peer, it will update the record it has stored (for itself and for future gossip). This record is created during instantiation and is sent immediately after a connection is established (right after the handshake). This means that a peer that learned about an outdated record for a peer will update it immediately upon being dialed.

message Peer {
    bytes socket = 1;
    uint64 timestamp = 2;
    Signature signature = 3;

To get all of this started, a peer must first be bootstrapped with a list of known peers/addresses. The peer will dial these other peers, send its own record, send a bit vector (with all 0's except its own position in the sorted list), and then wait for the other peer to respond with some set of unknown peers. Different peers do not need to agree on who this list of bootstrapping peers is (this list is configurable).


To support arbitarily large messages (while maintaing a small frame size), this crate automatically chunks messages that exceed the frame size (the frame size is configurable). A connection will be blocked until all chunks of a given message are sent. It is possible for a sender to prioritize messages over others but not to be interleaved with an ongoing multi-chunk message.

message Chunk {
    uint32 channel = 1;
    uint32 part = 2;
    uint32 total_parts = 3;
    bytes content = 4;

To minimize the number of chunks sent and to ensure each chunk is full (otherwise someone could send us a million chunks each 1 byte), content is compressed (if enabled) before chunking rather than after. As a result, the configuration chosen for frame size has no impact on compression efficiency.


use commonware_p2p::{Config, Network};
use commonware_cryptography::{ed25519, Scheme};
use governor::Quota;
use prometheus_client::registry::Registry;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

async fn main() {
    // Generate identity
    // In production, the signer should be generated from a secure source of entropy.
    let signer = ed25519::insecure_signer(0);

    // Generate peers
    // In production, peer identities will be provided by some external source of truth
    // (like the staking set of a blockchain).
    let peer1 = ed25519::insecure_signer(1).me();
    let peer2 = ed25519::insecure_signer(2).me();
    let peer3 = ed25519::insecure_signer(3).me();

    // Configure bootstrappers
    // In production, it is likely that the address of bootstrappers will be some public address.
    let bootstrappers = vec![(peer1.clone(), SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 3001))];

    // Configure network
    // In production, use a more conservative configuration like `Config::recommended`.
    let registry = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Registry::with_prefix("p2p")));
    let config = Config::aggressive(
        SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 3000),
    let (mut network, oracle) = Network::new(config);

    // Register authorized peers
    // In production, this would be updated as new peer sets are created (like when
    // the composition of a validator set changes).
    oracle.register(0, vec![signer.me(), peer1, peer2, peer3]);

    // Register some channel
    let (sender, receiver) = network.register(
        1024, // max message size
        128, // max backlog
        Some(3), // compression level

    // Run network
    let network_handler = tokio::spawn(network.run());

    // ... Use sender and receiver ...

    // Shutdown network


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