#programming-language #abi #codegen #polyglot

no-std bin+lib codify

Codify.rs translates between types from different programming languages

3 unstable releases

0.3.0 Sep 8, 2024
0.2.1 Sep 4, 2024
0.2.0 Sep 4, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 27, 2024
0.0.0 Aug 26, 2024

#97 in FFI

Download history 287/week @ 2024-08-25 287/week @ 2024-09-01 186/week @ 2024-09-08

760 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC


License Compatibility Package

Codify.rs translates between types from different programming languages.

🚧 This is presently under heavy construction.

🛠️ Prerequisites

⬇️ Installation

Installation via Cargo

cargo add codify

👉 Examples

Importing the library

use codify::*;

Converting a C++ type to Rust

println!("{}", cpp::Type::Bool.to_rust());

📚 Reference

👨‍💻 Development

git clone https://github.com/artob/codify.rs.git

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~117K SLoC