Cargo Features

clientele = { version = "0.1.4", default-features = false, features = ["std", "all", "argfile", "clap", "color", "dirs", "dotenv", "error-stack", "parse", "parse-byteunit", "parse-datetime", "parse-duration", "tracing", "unicode", "unstable", "wild"] }
default = all, std

These default features are set whenever clientele is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std of optional clap, dogma, optional error-stack, and optional tracing


Used in default
support for no_std in a backwards-compatible way

Affects sysexits::exit

all default = argfile, clap, color, dirs, dotenv, parse, tracing, unicode, wild
argfile all

Enables argfile

clap all

Enables clap

color all

Enables color of optional clap

Affects options::StandardOptions.color

dirs all

Enables dirs

dotenv all

Enables dotenvy


Enables error-stack

parse all = parse-byteunit, parse-datetime, parse-duration
parse-byteunit parse?

Enables ubyte

parse-datetime parse?
parse-duration parse?

Enables duration-str

tracing all

Enables tracing

unicode all

Enables unicode of optional clap


Support for unicode characters in arguments and help messages


Enables unstable of dogma

wild all

Enables wild